- Arctic Environmental Atlas
- Atlas - Xpeditions @
- David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
- FAO - Africover Web Maps
- FAO - Geonetwork
- Global Forest Watch
- Google Maps
- Google Earth
- Historical maps in collection of Centre for Newfoundland Studies, Memorial University of Newfoundland - note: not just Newfoundland and Labrador
- Historical maps in collection of Centre for Newfoundland Studies, Memorial University of Newfoundland (see previous entry) - Index of some of these maps with black and white reproductions via Memorial Map Library
- Periodical Historical Atlas - web version online maps to be used for the history of Europe
- Historical Atlas of the 20th Century
- Le Monde Diplomatique Maps
- Map Central-- Outline Maps
- Statoids - Administrative Maps of Countries
- United Nations Cartographic Section Web Site
- Wikimedia Commons Atlas of the World index of entries
- World Maps - Perry-Castañeda Map Collection - University of Texas Library Online
- Aboriginal Mapping Network - Maps
- Aboriginal Peoples of Canada - Census Maps
- Aquaculture Atlas of Canada
- Atlas of Canada
- Campus Maps for Canadian Universities
- Canada Maps - Perry-Castañeda Map Collection
- Canada's Ecozones and Ecoregions - Ecological Framework of Canada (HTML version of 1996 report including access to data downloads - see next two entries)
- Canada's Ecozones and Ecoregions - 1996 Report & 1995 Map (appear to be original on which above entry is based): National Ecological Framework of Canada & 1:7,500,000 map
- Canada's Ecozones and Ecoregions - National Ecological Framework of Canada Overview - 1999 report updating above two entries; includes maps and data
- Canada Post - Householder Counts and Maps
- The Canadian County Atlas Digital Project
- Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators - maps of air quality, water quality, and greenhouse gas emissions
- Canadian Geographic Mapping
- Canadian Ice Service Charts
- Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society Community Atlas Initiative
- Canadian Soil Information System (CanSIS) On-line Mapping Applications
- Canadian Wind Energy Atlas
- Early Canadian Maps - McGill University
- Federal Electoral District Maps - Elections Canada
- Fisheries Atlas of Canada
- Flood Disasters in Canada - Major Floods
- Geo-Atlas of the St. Lawrence Basin
- Geological Survey of Canada Map Images - MIRAGE
- GeoSearch - Interactive Place Name Search
- Glacier Atlas of Canada, 1969 to 1972
- Global Forest Watch Canada
- The Great Lakes Atlas
- Historical Atlas of Canada
- Indian Reserves - Western Canada
- International Map of the World, Canadian Sector, 1956 to 1987
- Landslides - Canada Landslide Project Interactive Map Viewer
- Maps, Plans and Charts - ArchiviaNet - Library and Archives Canada
- Outline Maps - Atlas of Canada
- Panoramic City Maps
- Recent Earthquake Map
- Toporama
- Quebec Geography By Subject / Le Québec géographique (French)
- Atlas of Quebec and it's regions / Atlas du Quebec et de ses regions (French)
- Maps and Charts - Bibliothèque et archives nationale du Québec - Cartes et plans (French)
- Monteregie Mountains in 3D / Les collines montérégiennes en 3D (French)
- Vues d'ensemble du Québec
- Quebec Geologie - Sigéom à la carte (English and French)
- Quebec Government Atlases - Atlas Québec (French)
- Urban and Environmental Geology of the St. Lawrence Valley - Interactive Maps
- Atlas électronique de Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean (Universitè de Quèbec à Chicoutimi)
Montreal region
British Columbia
- Agri-Maps Map Gallery - Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives
- GIS Map Gallery - Manitoba Geological Survey
- Manitoba Crop Average Yields
New Brunswick
Newfoundland & Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
- Atlas of Nova Scotia on GeoNOVA - the geographic gateway to Nova Scotia
- Free Maps of Nova Scotia
- Nova Scotia Natural Resources - Scanned and Interactive Maps
- Oak Ridges Moraine
- Online Maps - Ontario - Carleton University Library.
- Ottawa Region Online Maps - Carleton University
- Toronto Maps and Atlases - York University