Graphic showing the Honourable Michelle O'Bonsawin on right and black rectangle on left

F.R. Scott Lecture | The Honourable Michelle O'Bonsawin in conversation

February 5, 2025


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Visible Storage Gallery wall featuring colourful artworks.

Libraries news and events

The Friends of the Libraries is a volunteer organization of McGill Libraries advocates. We raise awareness about the McGill Libraries' extraordinary resources and we raise funds to provide tangible support.

Our Friends are McGill alumni, students, staff and faculty as well as a host of other Libraries and McGill enthusiasts from around North America.

The Friends of the Libraries Committee invites you to join and become a Friend of the Libraries! Please visit the Join page for more information.

The Friends host numerous lectures and special events over the course of the academic year. Please visit our Events page for a listing and to RSVP.

» Learn more about the Friends of the Libraries

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