- Abitibi Surficial Geology
- [Administrative and geographic map database of Quebec 1:1 000 000 (BDGA vectorial)]
- [Administrative Boundaries of Quebec 1:250 000 (BDTA raster)]
- [Administrative and Topographic Database of Quebec 1:250 000 (BDTA vector)]
- [Administrative boundary database of Quebec 1:20 000] SDA
- Alaska In Maps: A Thematic Atlas
- Annual Arctic Ice Atlas
- Antarctica SAR Mosaic
- ArcBusiness
- ArcCanada
- Arc Facilities Manager (ArcFM)
- ArcGIS and the Digital City
- ArcHealth
- Arc Hydro: GIS for water resources
- Arc Scene: USA Tour
- ArcUSA 1 :2 Million
- ArcView GIS tutorial
- Arc World
- Atlas of Antarctica
- Assured Crop Database of Quebec (BDCA)
- Atlas of the city and island of Montreal. 1879. Hopkins Atlas.
- Atlas of the City of Montreal. 1881. Goad Atlas.
- Atlas électronique de l'évolution de l'agriculture du québec: 1981-1991
- Atlas of Saskatchewan
- Base de données des cultures assurées (BDCA)
- Base de données des cultures généralisées (BDCG)
- Base de données géographiques et administratives vectoriel: Échelle 1/1 000 000 (BDGA vectorielle)
- Base de données topographiques et adminstratives à l'échelle 1/250 000 (BDTA vectorielle)
- Base de données topographiques du Québec 1/20 000 (BDTQ)
- Bathymetry of Lake Erie And Lake Saint Clair
- Bathymetry of Lake Michigan
- Bathymetry of Lake Ontario
- Bedrock Topography and Sediment Thickness DEMs of the Greater Toronto and Oak Ridges Moraine Aeas, Southern Ontario (OF 3699)
- Black Sea Geographic Information System
- Canadian Daily Climate Data. 2000
- Canadian Digital Elevation Data 1: 250 000 and 1: 50 000
- Canadian Monthly Climate Data and 1961-1990 Normals CD-ROM
- CanImage: Rectified Satellite Imagery 1: 50 000
- CanMatrix: Scanned Topographic Maps 1:250 000 and 1:50 000
- CanMap Forward Sortation Area Boundaries (DMTI)
- CanMap Local Delivery Units (DMTI)
- CanMap Multiple Enhanced Postal Code (DMTI)
- CanMap Parks and Recreation (DMTI Spatial Inc.)
- CanMap Rail (DMTI Spatial Inc.)
- CanMap Route Logistics (DMTI Spatial Inc.)
- CanMap Streetfiles (DMTI Spatial Inc.)
- CanMap Water (DMTI Spatial Inc.)
- Cartes numériques des dépôts de surface [Québec]
- Cartes topographiques 20k Matriciel [Québec] (CTMQ)
- CensusCD & Maps 4.0
- Census Boundary Files (DMTI Spatial Inc.)
- Census Geography Files (Statistics Canada) 1981-2006
- Census Maps (Statistics Canada) - Reference and thematic maps 2001 and 2006
- Census of Establishments and Employments [Montreal] 2000
- Centennia Historical Atlas
- Centre-du-Quebec Orthophotos, 2006, 1:15000
- Clutter Files (Landuse Files)
- COADS Global Ocean/Atmosphere data
- Daily 10 km Gridded Climate Dataset 1961-2003
- Découpages socio-économiques du Québec 1/250 000
- Deglaciation of North America
- Delorme Phone Data
- Digital Electoral Division Boundaries and Polling Division Boundary Files (Elections Canada)
- Digital Elevation Models (DMTI Spatial Inc.)
- Discover The Great Lakes
- Données pédologiques du Quebec (IRDA)
- [Ecoforestry Information System (Quebec)]
- Enhanced Points of Interest (DMTI Spatial Inc.)
- Esri Data & Maps
- Gebco Digital Atlas
- [General & Administrative Maps of Quebec 1:1 000 000 (BDGA raster)]
- [General Portrait of Quebec: Regions and MRCs]
- [Generalized crop database - Quebec (BDCG)]
- GeoCover 2000
- Geographica On CD-ROM
- Geological Atlas of Africa
- Geological Map of Canada. Map D1860A.
- GIS in Landscape Architecture
- GIS In Schools
- GIS World Source CD 1996
- GlobalARC
- Global GIS: Global Coverage DVD
- Ikonos Satellite Imagery
- The Image of the World
- Inside MapInfo Professional
- Interactive Atlas Of Great Britain
- Landsat GeoCover 1990
- Landsat GeoCover 2000
- Landsat Imagery
- Limites des territoires récréatifs et protégés au Québec à l'échelle 1/250 000
- Map of the City and Suburbs of Montreal. 1825. Adams.
- Mappae Encyclopedaedia: Magnus Ducatus Finlandiae
- Mappae Encyclopedaedia: Septentrionalium Terrarum Descriptio. The Nordic Countries
- Mauricie Orthophotos. 2005-2008
- Microsoft Streets and Trips
- Montreal (CMM) Administrative Boundaries
- Montreal Cadastral Plans
- Montreal Cartographic Plans
- Montreal Land Use Maps - 1949
- Montreal (CMM) Orthophotos
- Montreal Urban Community General Landuse File (Occupation du sol, CUM)
- National Topographic Database 1:50 000 & 1:250 000
- Nicaragua: An Historical Atlas
- Noms et lieux du Québec
- Northwest Territories, Canada: Digital Atlas
- Peatlands of Canada Database
- People And The Environment
- Platinum Postal Suite (DMTI)
- Le portrait général du Québec: Régions et MRC
- Practical Applications Of GIS for Archaeologists
- Processing Digital Images in GIS
- Le Québec à l’échelle 1/1 000 000 [BDGA raster]
- Le Québec et ses limites administratives [BDTA matricielles]
- Quebec Electoral Map 2001 Representation: 125 Provincial Electoral Divisions and Polling Divisions
- Quebec by Mouse: Electronic Atlas
- [Quebec Orthophotos 1:40 000]. Various Years.
- [Quebec in relief]
- [Quebec Topographic Database 1: 20 000] - Photocartothèque Québecois
- Quickbird Satellite Imagery.
- Recensement des établissements et de l'emploi 2000
- [Recreation and Protected Area Boundaries of Quebec 1 : 250 000].
- Le relief du Québec
- Saint Lawrence Wetland Mapping Project
- Satellite Streetview (DMTI)
- Septentrionalium Terrarum Descriptio. The Nordic Countries. (Mappae Encyclopedaedia)
- Socio-Economic Boundaries of Quebec 1:250 000
- Soil Survey Data - Quebec (IRDA)
- Spot Imagery - Nicaragua
- STM Montreal Transit Data
- StreetCD 2000
- SIEF L'inventaire forestier au Ministère de Ressources Naturelles / Ecoforestry Information System (Quebec)
- [Surficial Deposit Digital Maps (Quebec)]
- Système sur les découpages administratifs 1/20 000.
- Topographic and pictorial map of the City of Montreal. 1846. Cane.
- Toronto Orthophotos, 1999 Triathalon
- Transportation GIS