Base de données des cultures assurées (BDCA) Assured Crop Database of Quebec

La base de données des cultures assurées (BDCA) contains detailed mapping of crops located on insured agricultural land parcels in Quebec. Data are available from 2008 to 2011; please consult the index map (below) for exact coverage.

The crop categories included in this database are: hay, corn, wheat, barley, oats, soya, canola, other cereals, market vegetables, small fruits, mixed crops, and "no crops declared".

For data from earlier years (2003-2007), see la base de données des cultures généralisées (BDCG).


Title Base de données des cultures assurées (BDCA)
Author La Financière agricole du Québec (FADQ)
Date(s) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
Coverage Quebec (areas under agriculture cultivation only)
Language French
Format Shapefile
Scale 1:50 000
Projection Geographic
Datum NAD83

Guide Technique: Base de données des cultures assurés (BDCA) (French)  2008  |  2009  |  2010  |  2011 

BDCG Crop Codes and Descriptions

Index Map BDCA Index Map of the datasets available.
Data Use Agreement Data is available to McGill University Community, for research and educational purposes only.
Access Members of the McGill Community may obtain copies of the data by filling out the Geospatial Data Request Form . Please include the title of the dataset (BDCA).
Citation Base de données des cultures assurées. [computer file]. Saint-Romuald, Quebec: La Financière agricole du Québec, 2008.

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