Information on the services provided by the McGill Libraries.
Accessing online resources
From both on- and off-campus.
Borrowing from McGill Libraries
For students, faculty, alumni, & more.
Article/chapter scan service
Scanned copies delivered to your email.
Borrowing from other libraries
In person or though our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service.
Branches and opening hours
Where we are and when we are open.
Room booking
Book a study room for you and your team.
Group/quiet study
Find a place to study with others or on your own.
uPrint: scan, print, copy
Where and how to use uPrint at the Libraries.
Computers, software, & equipment
Where to find workstations and the software installed on them.
Citation guides & software
Download citation management software to your computer.
Workshops & tours
Take a workshop or tour and become a pro at using the library.
Services for teaching
Course materials and reserves, eExams, workshops for your students.
Research services
Finding data and information, consultations, workshops, publishing research.
Digital Scholarship Hub
Support for digital research projects of McGill faculty, students, and staff.

Open access
How to make your work open access.
Scholarly publishing
Journals and other scholarly works published or hosted by the Libraries.
Research data services
How the Libraries can help you manage, find, access and use research data.
Systematic Review Service
Support in creating well designed knowledge syntheses.
Library accessibility
Information on accessibility of facilities and services offered by the Libraries.
Alumni services
Visiting the library, access to electronic resources, events.