
MS Month 2018: Care and research at The Neuro

May is Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Month. Laboratory and clinical studies related to MS involve about 50 members of The Neuro’s staff. They study the disease in all its aspects and at every stage with the help of the most advanced brain imaging technology and the latest cell biology techniques.

Published: 4 May 2018

Early HIV treatment key to avoiding brain atrophy

New study underlines importance of early screening and antiretroviral therapy

While the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has largely dropped from news headlines since the 1990s, at the end of 2016 there were 36.7 million people living with the infection, and of those only 53 per cent had access to treatment. A new study underscores the neurological consequences of exposure to HIV without antiretroviral therapy.

Published: 3 May 2018

The Neuro signs agreement with Chinese and Cuban institutes

Partners agree to share resources, establish steering committee for closer collaboration

On April 20, 2018, Canadian, Chinese and Cuban neuroscience institutes strengthened an existing partnership with the signing of a memorandum of understanding in Chengdu, China.

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Published: 23 Apr 2018

The Neuro marks Parkinson’s Awareness Month

April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month, a time to give special attention to a disease that affects approximately 100,000 Canadians. As a centre for both research and clinical treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD), the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (The Neuro) offers many specialized services and opportunities to participate in research to PD patients.

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Published: 9 Apr 2018

Trenholm receives HFSPO career development award

Stuart Trenholm, who joined The Neuro in 2017 as an assistant professor, has received a Career Development Award from The International Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO), the only Canadian researcher to receive one this year.  

Published: 28 Mar 2018

Epilepsy research and care at The Neuro

The institute that developed the “Montreal Procedure” continues to be on the cutting edge

The Neuro is recognized worldwide as a leader in epilepsy research and treatment. From the beginning, Neuro founder, Dr. Wilder Penfield, made epilepsy a central focus. He and his colleagues developed a surgical treatment for epilepsy patients known as the “Montreal Procedure,” which today is in use throughout the world.

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Published: 26 Mar 2018

Cancer probe chosen for top science discovery

2017 Québec Science Discovery of the Year Award goes to the cancer-detection probe developed by Kevin Petrecca and Frédéric Leblond

Québec Science magazine’s 25-year tradition continues: every fall, a jury comprised of researchers and journalists selects the top 10 most impressive discoveries in Quebec in the past year and the public is asked to vote to select the winner.

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Published: 19 Mar 2018

Neuro XXceptional: Celebrating exceptional women

Women scientists and clinicians are creators and changemakers, expanding the boundaries of human knowledge


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Published: 8 Mar 2018

The Neuro and Thermo Fisher Scientific Partner to Fight Neurodegenerative Disease

Industry and academia to share expertise in effort to develop improved methods to produce and characterize antibodies and reagents for neurological research

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Published: 5 Mar 2018

The onset of Alzheimer’s disease: the importance of family history

You’re about to turn 60, and you’re fretting. Your mother has had Alzheimer’s disease since the age of 65. At what age will the disease strike you? A Canadian study published in JAMA Neurology shows that the closer a person gets to the age at which their parent exhibited the first signs of Alzheimer’s, the more likely they are to have amyloid plaques, the cause of the cognitive decline associated with the disease, in their brain.

Published: 26 Feb 2018

The Neuro joins neuroscience data sharing partnership

Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform will make disseminating and publishing data easier

Modern neuroscience research can produce massive amounts of data, which researchers can use to find patterns revealing anything from the first physiological signs of Alzheimer’s disease to a new drug target that could stop neurodegeneration. However, this data must be stored, processed, and distributed effectively.

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Published: 19 Feb 2018

A non-invasive method to detect Alzheimer’s disease

Volume in brain region linked to physiological changes characteristic of AD

New research has drawn a link between changes in the brain’s anatomy and biomarkers that are known to appear at the earliest stages of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), findings that could one day provide a sensitive but non-invasive test for AD before cognitive symptoms appear.

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Published: 19 Dec 2017

New Open Science partnership will pave way for better treatments, faster

NeuroSGC created to increase volume and quality of cell assays for drug discovery

A new partnership between the Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) and the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (The Neuro) will use a unique open science framework to help scientists discover new targets for drug development for neurological diseases.

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Published: 6 Dec 2017

The MNI forms promising Open Science partnership with Takeda

Industry and academia team up for the benefit of people suffering from ALS

A unique industry-academia partnership will increase the rate at which promising drug compounds can be tested as potential treatments for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a disease with no known cure that affects 200,000 people worldwide.

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Published: 4 Dec 2017

Alan Evans receives Canada 150 medal

Senate of Canada recognizes outstanding contributions to the community 

The Senate of Canada has awarded Alan Evans a Canada 150 medal for his commitment to advancements in Alzheimer’s disease and palliative care research. He was nominated by Senator Judith Seidman, a former research fellow at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, and Associate Professor of the McGill School of Social Work.

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Published: 27 Nov 2017


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The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital) is a bilingual academic healthcare institution. We are a McGill research and teaching institute; delivering high-quality patient care, as part of the Neuroscience Mission of the McGill University Health Centre. We are proud to be a Killam Institution, supported by the Killam Trusts.



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