Commercial Society
Left to right: Fulcher, Davison, Hollingsworth, MacIntyre
President: H. L. B. Hollingsworth
Vice-President: J. G. Fulcher
Secretary: W. C. MacIntyre
Treasurer: J. A. Davison
The session 1931-’32 proved to be another active and successful one for The Commercial Society.
The programme of luncheons was carried on as in former years. The first speaker of the session was Mr. P. C. Armstrong, prominent economist of the C.P.R., who delivered an instructive address on “Wheat.”
Dr. Simpson, secretary of the Guggenheim Institute, delivered an address at the second meeting on the present economic condition of Mexico.
In all probability Mr Chester H. Payne, Director of the Commercial Intelligence Service, will be the speaker at the last meeting.
The executive departed somewhat from the regular routine by holding a night meeting in Strathcona Hall. The speaker was Theodore F. Morgan, President and Chairman of Tourists Bureau of Quebec.
Dr. W. S. Fox, President of the University of Western Ontario, was the guest speaker for the occasion of the School of Commerce Banquet. He spoke on the place of commercial education in the University.
The Commercial Society joined the Canadian Society for Commercial Education. Active measures were taken to foster a spirit of closer co-operation between Commerce students at the University of Montreal and those at McGill. A series of Inter-university debates is under consideration.
McGill Yearbook: 1932
See original pages: Cover | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13