Animesh Animesh

Animesh Animesh

Title: Associate Professor and Area Coordinator, Information Systems
Research areas: Business Value of IT, Consumer Behaviour, Helping Canadian Business, Helping Quebec Business, IT in Healthcare, Social Media, Technology & Innovation
Laurette Dubé

Laurette Dubé

Title: Professor Emerita, Marketing; James McGill Chair of Consumer and Lifestyle Psychology and Marketing; Founding Chair, McGill Centre for the Convergence of Health and Economics (MCCHE)
Research areas: Consumer Behaviour, Health Management, Healthcare Collaboration, International Collaboration, IT in Healthcare, Retail Marketing, Technology & Innovation
Samer Faraj

Samer Faraj

Title: Professor
Academic title(s): Canada Research Chair in Technology, Innovation & Organizing Associate Member, Department of Social Studies of Medicine
Research areas: Health Management, Healthcare Collaboration, Innovation Management, Integrated Management, IT in Healthcare, Organizational Theory, Social Innovation, Technology & Innovation, Technology's Role in Organizations
Liette Lapointe

Liette Lapointe

Title: Professor, Information Systems | Director of the McGill Centre for the Convergence of Health and Economics (MCCHE)
Research areas: Health Management, Healthcare Collaboration, IT in Healthcare, Leadership & Governance, Risk Management, Social Innovation, Sustainable Development, Technology & Innovation
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