Delve: Why the Job You Apply For May Not Be the Job You Get

Published: 1 December 2022

When most people apply for jobs, they expect the job description to match the job that will be filled. But between the interview and the actual hiring, job duties sometimes evolve. At a time when...

Delve: Remix or Reinvent? How Deviance Can Drive Careers in the Creative Community of EDM, with Amandine Ody-Brasier

Published: 18 November 2022

When does deviance from the norm propel a career or stop it in its tracks? Call it law-breaking or call it creative license, in creative industries and occupations, intellectual property concerns...

Inaccurate job descriptions can have unanticipated effects

Published: 8 November 2022

A job description can be pretty different from the job itself. Sometimes this can be because the hiring organization’s needs are evolving, and they are responding to these changes, write Professor...

Employee monitoring software could alienate remote workers

Published: 2 November 2022

Remote work promised office workers more freedom and flexibility, but digital surveillance tools are already eroding that. Some employers use digital surveillance tools that monitor employees’...

Inauthenticity in the workplace can harm diversity and inclusion

Published: 31 October 2022

Leaders are often faced with being their authentic self or doing what it takes to succeed. Decisions taken by senior management in the face of this authenticity dilemma can set a negative example...

The four-day work week can reduce turnover, reduce recruiting requirements

Published: 6 October 2022

About a year ago, Poche et Fils conducted a trial of the four-day work week that has since become permanent. Employees at the Montreal-based clothing companies receive the same pay as when they...

Prof. Ody-Brasier's paper named 2022 Carolyn B. Dexter Award Finalist

Published: 29 August 2022

Congratulations to Amandine Ody-Brasier, Associate Professor in Organizational Behaviour, whose paper "Deviance as a Means to Build a Legitimate Career: Evidence from the EDM Industry” has been...

After unionization, corporate foot-dragging is a challenge to contract negotiation

Published: 7 September 2022

Unionization is having a moment. Employees at Amazon, Starbucks and Apple have all held successful union drives. But forming a union and negotiating a contract are not the same thing. In a 2008...

Interpersonal skills are key to managing staff during times of crisis

Published: 24 August 2022

Even the darkest cloud has a silver lining – but there is a time and a place to mention it. When employees are struggling through a crisis, putting a positive spin on the situation can make them...


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