Inclusion isn't a warm and fuzzy feeling of belonging. Inclusion means being an integral part of an organization, and having the resources to get the job done, said Associate Professor of...
The complex issue of authenticity at work isn’t only about people within an organization—it’s connected to the organization’s own integrity, including policies on equity, diversity, and inclusion....
The Faculty's first ever Director of EDI, Lisa Cohen, joined the McGill Reporter to reflect on the past year and a half of her mandate. She discusses the progress that has been made so far, but...
Excessive apologizing at work may hinder a woman’s ability to succeed professionally, according to Professor Patricia Hewlin. The habit of saying sorry, even when an apology is unwarranted, stems...
Social inequalities are responsible for the loss of millions of ideas and inventions over hundreds of years. This loss over time is measurable today in a decline in innovation, slowing economic...
In a new report supported by the Women's Entrepreneur Knowledge Hub out of Ryerson University, Prof. Patricia Hewlin and former Integrated Management fellows Sandra Urbina Chang (MBA’19), Fiorella...
For many parents and caregivers, working from home has made life a lot easier. And any return to the office will have consequences for them. Some employers have used surveys and online forums to...
Could Artificial Intelligence tools decide who gets hired or fired, who gets a raise, or who’s ready to be a mentor? Some already are, to varying levels of success, and it’s often difficult to...
If a company doesn’t want to share salary information, there could be a reason for that. About 75 per cent of people don’t negotiate a higher salary for themselves, and women and minorities are...