Time capsule A time capsule, placed inside the cornerstone of the Donner Building for Medical Research in 1947, is found in 2004 by McGill Campus Security officer Sergeant Mathieu Racette. |
Student unrest, 1968-1970 Photographs illustrating the turbulent sixties at McGill University. |
My Fur Lady A political satire written and performed by McGill students becomes a nationwide success. |
The Women's Union and the war effort With many male McGill students fighting in the Great War, their female counterparts back at McGill organized a Union to support the war effort. |
Football In the 1870s, an exciting footbal rivalry between McGill and Harvard gave McGill the opportunity to create new rules of gameplay, which became standard throughout the United States. |
Campus life during WWII Campus life during the War |
Dance at McGill In 1912, McGill's Physical Education program offered its first dance classes, which evolved over time to include modern and interprative dance. |