Yongfu Hao have graduated from Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2013 and received PhD degree major in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System. His PhD thesis was mainly focused on developing new methods for brain sub-cortical structure segmentation, especially for segmentation of the hippocampus. After graduation, He joined the research department of Mindray (NYSE:MR) as a system research engineer.
From July 7, 2015, He came to Prof. Gotman’s lab as a postdoctoral scholar. Here, he will learn about the new MREG technique for fast fMRI data acquisition and develop new methods for fMRI analysis to improve the sensitivity and specificity.
Hao, Y., Wang, T., Zhang, X., Duan, Y., Yu, C., Jiang, T., Fan, Y. and for the ADNI,"Local label learning (LLL) for subcortical structure segmentation: Application to hippocampus segmentation", Human Brain Mapping, 35: 2674–2697(2014)
Hao, Y., Jiang, T., Fan, Y. “Iterative multi-atlas based segmentation with multichannel image registration and jackknife context model”, Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2012 9th IEEE International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.900,903, 2-5 May 2012(Oral presentation)
Hao, Y., Wang, T., Zhang, X., Duan, Y., Yu, C., Jiang, T., Fan, Y. "Shape-constrained multi-atlas based segmentation with multichannel registration", Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8314, 83143N (2012)
Hao, Y., Jiang, T., Fan, Y.,"Local label learning (L3) for multi-atlas based segmentation", Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8314, 83142E (2012)