Quan Zhu, MD & PhD, male, was born on November 4, 1965. He is a Visiting Scholar and Research Fellow in MNI/H, Associate Professor and neurosurgeon of the Department of Neurosurgery, the First hospital of Shanxi Medical University in Taiyuan, China. He graduated from Changzhi Medical College in 1985, and worked as a surgeon for ten years. In July,1998, he graduated from Shanxi Medical University with a Masters Degree in Neurosurgery and began to engage in neurosurgery. In July, 2006, he got his Doctorate Degree from Xiangya Medical School of Central South University also in neurosurgery field. Dr. Zhu has been to Curtin University of Technology and Department of Neurosurgery of Sir Charlse Gardernaie Hospital in Perth, Western Australia as a Visiting Scholar from February to July, 2002. In August 22, 2006, he came to MNI/H and began to do a one-year period of clinical observing in the field of epilepsy surgery with pre-surgical evaluation, and research related to the method of combing EEG with functional MRI under Professor Jean Gotman.