Kangjoo Lee


Kangjoo received her BS degree in Radiological Science from Yonsei University in 2009, being involved in PET imaging studies in the Molecular Imaging Laboratory. She pursued her graduate studies in the laboratory of Bio-Imaging and Signal Processing and obtained her MS degree in Bio and Brain Engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 2011.
She has been a Ph.D. student in MNI since September 2012, being involved in the Integrated Program in Neuroscience, McGill University, under the supervision of Dr. Grova and Dr. Gotman. Her current research focuses on Development of Multimodal Analysis of Abnormal Functional Hub Organization in the Brain: Application in Epilepsy.


Kangjoo Lee, Jean-Marc Lina, Jean Gotman and Christophe Grova, “SPARK: Sparsity-based analysis of reliable k-hubness and overlapping network structure in brain functional connectivity”, Neuroimage, vol. 134, pp. 434–449, July 2016

Young-Beom Lee, Jeonghyeon Lee, Sungho Tak, Kangjoo Lee, Duk L. Na, Sangwon Seo, Yong Jeong , Jong Chul Ye , and The Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, “Sparse SPM: Group Sparse-Dictionary Learning in SMP framework for Resting-state Functional Connectivity MRI Analysis”, Neuroimage, vol. 125, pp. 1032–1045, January 2016

Christian Dansereau, Pierre Bellec, Kangjoo Lee, Francesca Pittau, Jean Gotman and Christophe Grova (2014). “Detection of Abnormal Resting-state Networks in Individual Patients Suffering from Focal Epilepsy: An Initial Step toward Individual Connectivity Assessment”. Front. Neurotic. 8:419

Kangjoo Lee, Sungho Tak, and Jong Chul Ye, “A data-driven sparse GLM for fMRI analysis using sparse dictionary learning with MDL criterion”, IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 1076–1089, May 2011

Sungho Tak, Jaeduck Jang, Kangjoo Lee and Jong Chul Ye, “Quantification of CMRO2 without hypercapnia using simultaneous near-infrared spectroscopy and fMRI measurements,”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 55, pp. 3249–3269, May 2010

Yong Hyun Chung, Seung-Jae Lee, Cheol-Ha Baek, Kang-Joo Lee, and Yong Choi, “Characterization and optimization of a quasi-monolithic detector module with depth-encoding for small animal PET”, J. Korean Phys. Soc., vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 244–249, January 2009


Recent Abstracts

Kangjoo Lee, Hui Ming Khoo, Jean Gotman and Christophe Grova, “Reorganization of Functional Hubs and Overlapping Networks in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy”, The 22th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), June 2016, Geneva, Switzerland (Poster session)

Kangjoo Lee, Hui Ming Khoo, Jean-Marc Lina, Jean Gotman and Christophe Grova, “Detection of functional hubs from resting state fMRI data and their reorganization in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy”, The 3rd Whistler Scientific Workshop on Brain Functional Organization, Connectivity and Behavior, March 2016, Whistler-Blackcomb, B.C., Canada (Oral session)

Kangjoo Lee, Jean-Marc Lina, Jean Gotman, Christophe Grova, “Reliable Detection of Functional Connector Hubs and Overlapping Network Structure in Resting-State fMRI using SPARK”, Biological & Biomedical Engineering Symposium, September 2015, Montreal, Canada (First Place Winner, Poster Competition 2)

Kangjoo Lee, Jean-Marc Lina, Jean Gotman, Christophe Grova, “Organization of Functional Hubs in Healthy Human Brain”, The 2nd Annual PERFORM Centre Research Conference, May 2015, Montreal, Canada (Winner of Best Poster Presentation Award)

Kangjoo Lee, Jean-Marc Lina, Jean Gotman, Christophe Grova, “SPARK: Sparsity-based Analysis for Reliable k-hubness in brain functional connectivity”, The 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), June 2014, Hamburg, Germany

Christophe Grova, Christian L Dansereau, Pierre Bellec, Kangjoo Lee ,Francesca Pittau, Jean Gotman, “Detection of Abnormal resting-state Networks in Individuals (DANI): application in epilepsy”, The 2nd Whistler Scientific Workshop on Brain Functional Organization, Connectivity and Behavior, March 2014, Whistler-Blackcomb, B.C., Canada (Oral session)

Kangjoo Lee, Jean-Marc Lina, Jean Gotman, Christophe Grova, “Characterization of stability in sparse brain network for resting-state fMRI”, Workshop on Scale-free Dynamics and Networks in Neuroscience, October 2013, Montreal, Canada (Poster session)

Kangjoo Lee, Jean Gotman, Christophe Grova, “Bootstrap analysis of stability in sparse dictionary learning for resting-state fcMRI”, The 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), June 2013, Seattle, United States (Poster session)


Kangjoo Lee, Hui Ming Khoo, Jean-Marc Lina, Jean Gotman and Christophe Grova, “Resting state fMRI reveals abnormal reorganization of network hubs in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy”,The 70th American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting, December 2016, Houston, USA (Poster session)

Toward reliable detection of patient-specific reorganization of functional hubs in epilepsy, The 2nd Neuro Epilepsy Day, April 2015, Montreal, Canada (Invited)

Sparse General Linear Model and Sparsity-based Analysis for Reliable K-hubness, The 2nd Brain Hackathon (Unconference Session), June 2014, Berlin, Germany

Data-driven fMRI analysis using sparse dictionary learning, KAIST/SNU Joint Workshop on Sparse Data Recovery and its Application to Medical Imaging (Medical Imaging Application Session), November 2010, Seoul, Republic of Korea