Precision Convergence Webinar Series: August 2, 2021

A Model for Advanced Computing in Crisis Response
Presented by Dr. John Towns and Dr. Jim Brase
The anchor presentation of this webinar will focus on the establishment and operation of the COVID-19 HPC Consortium. This effort has been an unprecedented public-private partnership spanning academia, government and the corporate sector. The Consortium has enabled over 100 research teams in responding the COVID-19 pandemic and produced scores of publications, models, data collections, tools, and other resources. The Consortium has both supported and informed the national and international response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The experience suggests a model for domestic and global collaboration in response to crises. We will also explore broader issues that this experience points to that could be taken up to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the national research complex in responding to natural and man-made crises as well as to address the need to enable innovation and high-risk, high reward research. Co-chaired by Prof. Laurette Dubé (MCCHE) and Dr. Shawn Brown (PSC), the high-level panel of academic and action leaders that will follow will advance research and action in digital, physical and human collaborative in development in the bio / health / health system and bio/agriculture/food domains through a modular portfolio of projects anchored in open science and innovation, with interfaces with public and private value creation systems