Delve: Occupational Evolution or Extinction?

Published: 20 October 2021

Despite being essential in organizations across sectors, data scientists wrestle with the implications of writing the code that will replace their own jobs. New research by Desautels Professors...

Delve: A Digital Currency for the Public by the Public

Published: 1 November 2021

Could a Central Bank Digital Currency ensure privacy and transparency for every transaction? A new model of digital currency by Desautels Professor Katrin Tinn proposes a secure yet anonymous ...

Delve podcast: New Normal: The Pivot to Climate Sustainability for SMEs with Dror Etzion

Published: 28 October 2021

Small and medium-sized enterprises account for as much environmental impact as the entire Canadian transportation industry—yet solving their climate impact requires a unique approach. In the "New...

Delve: Crafting Local Terroir & Putting Quebec Cheese on the Map with Robert David

Published: 25 October 2021

Terroir conjures European flavours and landscapes, flora and fauna, champagne and Parmigiano-Reggiano, but Quebec terroir has become a player in the terroir game. On the Delve podcast, Desautels...

Delve podcast: Gourmet Food Trucks and the Authenticity Recipe with Daphne Demetry

Published: 1 October 2021

An entrepreneurship venture high in creativity, culture, and community and low in risk, gourmet food trucks illuminate how authenticity and associated identities—like the “cultural omnivore”—are...

Delve - "New Normal" podcast: A Shock to the System with Saku Mantere

Published: 5 July 2021

In episode 5 of The ‘New Normal’ hosted by Dave Kaufman, Delve Editor-in-Chief Professor Saku Mantere discusses how organizations have responded and adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic: whether...

Delve - "New Normal" podcast: Life’s Good on Top, But For Everyone Else? with Samer Faraj

Published: 15 June 2021

In episode 5 of The ‘New Normal’ hosted by Dave Kaufman, Professor Samer Faraj speaks about how the COVID-19 pandemic has created an over reliance on corporate technological behemoths. Faraj breaks...

Delve - "New Normal" podcast: COVID-19, Ethics, and Stock Tips with Patrick Augustin

Published: 3 June 2021

In episode 4 of The ‘New Normal’ hosted by Dave Kaufman, Professor Patrick Augustin from The Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University examines the allegations of insider trading levied...

Delve: How to Recognize and Avoid the Toxic Glamour of Glossy Work

Published: 5 February 2021

A new study by Lisa Cohen, an associate professor of organizational behaviour at McGill University, and Sandy Spataro, a professor of management at Northern Kentucky University, explores how people...


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