Economic performance: Evaluation

Published: 19 August 2015

Desautels' Professor of Practice Mo Chaudhury evaluates economic performance of Bangladesh. Read full article: BD News 24, August 18, 2015

Tricon Capital Group Announces Q2 2015 Results and Changes to Senior Management Team

Published: 19 August 2015

Tricon Capital Group Inc. today announced its consolidated financial results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2015. 

Is this video software company set to take hockey analytics to the next level?

Published: 19 August 2015

What actually happened? What was actually important? Those are water cooler questions that go back a long time. They’re also questions that hockey’s number-crunchers have been chasing for some time...

Vermögensverwalter Blackrock der "große Elefant im Teich"

Published: 18 August 2015

Groß ist gleich gefährlich, diese Gleichung wird spätestens seit der Finanzkrise aufgemacht. Sie gilt für Banken, die als zu "big to fail" bezeichnet wurden.... Massimo Massa lehrt an der...

Research Proposal Presentation: Mr. Abdolmanaf Zargoush

Friday, August 21, 2015 09:30

Mr. Abdolmanaf Zargoush, a doctoral student at McGill University in the CREATE Program will be presenting his research proposal entitled:/desautelsCategory: Desautels research

Homecoming 2015

Thursday, October 22, 2015toSunday, October 25, 2015

We invite alumni with degree years ending in 5 and 0 to reconnect and reminisce, share accomplishments, and celebrate achievements at Homecoming on October 22 - 25, 2015....

Geoffroy en pleine ascension

Published: 13 August 2015

Il y a un mois, Geoffroy lançait le vidéoclip et la chanson You Say, premier extrait d’un EP qui paraîtra cet automne. La pièce, fort accrocheuse, marie brillamment le folk à l’électro. Read full...

Asset Manager M&A Leads to Improved Fund Performance: Study

Published: 13 August 2015

Beyond the potential financial benefits of an M&A deal, two of the biggest payouts for asset managers are access to investment expertise and new markets. ... “We have solid evidence that there...

Who’s Afraid of BlackRock?

Published: 13 August 2015

With US$4-5tn of assets directly under its control, BlackRock is a giant among giants in the financial world, and until recently was firmly under the eye of the Financial Stability Board (FSB).......


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