"Mortgage Hedging in Fixed Income Markets" - Aytek Malkhozov

Friday, September 6, 2013 10:00to11:30

Desmarais Global Finance Research Centre presents the National Bank Seminar Series...

Professor Dror Etzion wins 2013 ONE Emerging Scholar Award

Published: 26 August 2013

Professor Dror Etzion has won the 2013 Organizations and the Natural Environment (ONE) Division Emerging Scholar Award, presented at the Academy of Management (AoM) Business Meeting. The ONE...

Gabriel Fal : Un crack à la Présidence du conseil d’administration d’Ecobank

Published: 26 August 2013

Le quotidien Enquête annonce, dans sa livraison du jour, l'arrivée d'un nouveau Président du conseil d’administration (Pca) à Ecobank Sénégal. Il s’agit de Gabriel Fal (MBA'80), Président-directeur...

Prof. Desmond Tsang wins best paper award from American Real Estate Society

Published: 23 August 2013

Professor Desmond Tsang has recently received a best paper award from the American Real Estate Society in the Real Estate Investment Trusts category for his paper entitled, “CEO Bonus: Alternative...

The Latest, Quick Motor Evaluation

Published: 23 August 2013

Myway Plus Corporation (Yokohama-shi, President Osamu Hoshino, MBA Japan'12), an expert in eco-car performance evaluation, has developed a quick test/evaluation equipment for highly efficient...

The School of Internet Marketing Instructor Dan Maynard Explains Why Small Businesses Should be Using YouTube to Increase Revenue

Published: 16 August 2013

When used properly, YouTube can be a powerful tool in getting the word out about your business faster than nearly any other social media network. In May 2011, YouTube reported on its company blog...

Top 50 Twitter Profs Include These Canadian B-School Teachers

Published: 16 August 2013

The top 50 professors on Twitter – so ranked this month by online think tank LDRLB for their 140-character commentaries on research on leadership, innovation and strategy – include six from...


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