
Killam Seminar Series: An Active-State Approach to Understanding Cerebellar Function and Cortico-Cerebellar Connectivity

Tuesday, January 28, 2025 16:00to17:00
de Grandpre Communications Centre, The Neuro

Supported by the generosity of the Killam Trusts, The Neuro's Killam Seminar Series invites outstanding guest speakers whose research is of interest to the scientific community at The Neuro and McGill University.

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An Active-State Approach to Understanding Cerebellar Function and Cortico-Cerebellar Connectivity

Abstract: The Diedrichsen Lab investigates the human cerebellum, which is engaged in a wide variety of motor and cognitive tasks. However, how each functional region in the cerebellum interacts with its neocortical counterparts and uniquely contributes to function remains unknown. Recent work from the Diedrichsen Lab addresses this question using an active-state approach, employing large batteries of tasks to map functional specialization and patterns of cortico-cerebellar connectivity in single participants. The lab's research focuses on methodological issues and critically compares the use of active-state and resting-state data in mapping brain function.

Jorn Diedrichsen

Western Research Chair, Departments of Computer Science, Statistical and Actuarial Sciences.

Headshot portrait of JornThe Diedrichsen Lab works on the development and application of modern Data Science techniques for the analysis of neuroscientific data such as human functional imaging, neuronal recording, and behavioral data. He received his graduate degrees in Neuroscience and Statistics from UC Berkeley, and is leading the development of the Data Science program at Western University.

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The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital) is a bilingual academic healthcare institution. We are a McGill research and teaching institute; delivering high-quality patient care, as part of the Neuroscience Mission of the McGill University Health Centre. We are proud to be a Killam Institution, supported by the Killam Trusts.



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