On this page: Archive in an open repository | Open access journals | Author fees/Library APC discounts | Research data
Video: Making your work open access: Psst it doesn't have to cost money (presentation given October 2022).
Make your articles open: 2 options
1. Archive in an open repository
Deposit a version of your publication in an open access repository such as eScholarship@McGill repository.
Fill out the eScholarship deposit form.
2. Open access journals
- Discover OA journals in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Note many OA journals charge article processing charges (APCs).
- See our library discounts.
- Limit in the DOAJ to OA journals without fees.
- See also Finding legitimate OA publishers
- Note many OA journals charge article processing charges (APCs).
Paying author fees/ library APC discounts
Information on available APC Discounts and waivers for McGill affiliated authors is available on the dedicated webpage.
Your research data
Information on McGill's support for research data management, sharing, and archiving is on the Research Data Services pages