Subject guides
- Aerospace engineering
- Atmospheric and oceanic sciences
- Bioengineering
- Chemical engineering
- Chemistry
- Civil engineering
- Computer science
- Earth and planetary sciences
- Electrical and computer engineering
- Environmental studies (sciences)
- Geography
- Materials engineering
- Mathematics and statistics
- Mechanical engineering
- Mining engineering
- Physics
- Transportation
- Trottier Institute of Sustainability in Engineering and Design (TISED)
Other guides
- Books on enhancing learning and teaching in Engineering (ELATE)
- CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform
- Concept mapping
- E-book platforms (physical sciences and engineering topics)
- e-Learning kit
- Guide to Using EndNote
- Impact measurements
- MyResearch (Physical Sciences & Engineering)
- Patents, standards, and technical reports
- Raspberry Pi & Arduino
- Resources for alumni (Physical Sciences & Engineering)
- Science Literacy Week
- Theses & dissertations
Course guides
- ATOC 100
- ATOC 183
- ATOC 185 / EPSC 185
- CCOM 206 (now WCOM 206)
- CCOM 314
- CIVE 432
- CIVE 664
- ESYS 200
- GEOG 322
- GEOG 505
- MECH 201
- MECH 463
- MECH 532
- MECH 547
- MECH 548
- WCOM 206 (formerly CCOM 206)