All physical Library spaces closed to McGill community January 3 – 9, 2022 inclusive

The McGill Library is aligning its branch activities during the first week of the Winter 2022 semester with general McGill directives outlined in the allnote sent out to McGill students, faculty and staff dated Friday, December 17.
An excerpt from the message reads:
Directives in effect December 24, 2021 to January 9, 2022
- Most classes and teaching activities held in the week of January 3, 2022 will be remote, following the Premier’s December 16 announcement.
- Teaching activities that need to be in person can be, including those in the health sciences professions and teaching laboratories. Instructors and students must understand and follow all safety precautions.
- Staff and students needing to be on campus for research or necessary activities can access University facilities throughout this period.
- Administrative and support staff who can perform their job from home should do so. However, staff may come to campus the week of January 3 to prepare for in-person activities in subsequent weeks, if needed. Staff who need to be on site for their job must come to work.
Taking this into account, all physical library spaces will be closed to the McGill community from Monday, January 3 to Sunday, January 9, 2022 inclusive in order for McGill Library staff members to prepare spaces and services for the resumption of on-site and virtual activities under different scenarios. Consult the hours listing for more information.
Virtual services (i.e. virtual reference, access to e-resources, etc.) will continue to run as usual in 2022.
Holiday closure reminders:
- The Library's Virtual Reference Service will close at 5:00PM on Wednesday, December 22, 2021 and will reopen on Monday, January 3, 2022.
- All Library branches will close at 5:00PM on Tuesday, December 21, 2021 and will reopen on Monday, January 10, 2022.