Période de révision de notes
Pour faire une demande de révision de notes (Grade Review), l’étudiant doit compléter le formulaire (Grade Review Request Form) au plus tard 14 jours après la date de divulgation des notes finales des cours.
Pour une demande de revision de notes de la session d'automne 2023, la date limite est le 7 février, 2024.
Cette demande de révision de notes est valide uniquement si, au moment où l’étudiant.e soumet sa demande, il a déjà rencontré le membre de la faculté responsable de l’évaluation afin de réviser la note qui lui a été attribuée..*
* When the first available date for a meeting with the member of Faculty originally responsible for the student's evaluation falls outside the 14 day period, the request must be made no later than 7 days following this meeting, provided that the meeting was arranged within 14 days of the posting of marks. Students must sao.law [at] mcgill.ca (email the SAO) that the meeting with the instructor will take place after the deadline.
Students who will be out of town (e.g. on exchange) during the Grade Review period and wish to delay the process MUST submit the request to the SAO by the above stated deadline.
The Rereading Examination paper fee applied to each grade review no longer applies.
Graduate students should refer to GPSO regulations for Graduate Studies Reread Policy.
Rereads of failed examinations
All written assignments in a course for which a failing final grade is assigned by the examiner are automatically re-read by the co-examiner before the communication of final grades in the course.
Review of final evaluations
The organization of reviews of final evaluations imposes a significant administrative burden on the Faculty and that they should not be routinely requested for disappointing results.
The original grades awarded are treated with significant deference by the co-examiner or reviewer and are only changed when the reviewer finds that original grade assigned is an unreasonable assessment of the merits of the student’s work. This recognizes the possibility that another grade could have been awarded, but maintains the original grade unless it falls outside the range of acceptable outcomes, giving consideration to the justification and intelligibility of the original decision. Although grades will only rarely be changed, reviewers may award a lower grade if the original grade is found to be unreasonably high.
- Students may request the review of a final grade (guaranteed by section 14(b) of the Charter of Students' Rights). This review shall be performed by the co-examiner or, in the case where there is no co-examiner, by a member of Faculty ("the reviewer"), designated by the Dean or the Dean's delegate, in consultation with the member of Faculty or Instructor originally responsible for the student's evaluation.
- Subject to rule 3, such a request must be made in writing and on the appropriate form to the SAO, within 14 days of the posting of the final marks for the course. Before making this request, the student must have met with the member of the Faculty or Instructor originally responsible for the student's evaluation to review the mark. Without this meeting, the request for a review will not be accepted.
- When the first available date for a meeting with the member of Faculty or Instructor originally responsible for the student's evaluation is outside the 14 day period contemplated in rule 2, the student must make arrangements within the fourteen day period for a later meeting. Students must email the SAO that the meeting with the instructor will be outside the 14 day period. The request for review must be made no later than seven days following this meeting.
- The task of the co-examiner or reviewer is not to determine what grade he or she would have assigned the work in question, but to determine whether the grade assigned by the Instructor was reasonable. In reviewing the grade, the co-examiner or reviewer shall consult, the case permitting, at least three other examinations or other evaluation exercises from the same class. Where this procedure cannot be followed, any procedure deemed appropriate by the co-examiner or reviewer may be adopted, including consulting with the member of Faculty or Instructor originally responsible for the student's evaluation.
- Where, after completing their review, the co-examiner or reviewer comes to the conclusion that the mark originally assigned does not constitute a reasonable appraisal of the merit of the student's work, the co-examiner or reviewer shall consult with the member of Faculty originally responsible for the student's evaluation and seek an explanation. If there is a disagreement between the member of Faculty originally responsible for the student's evaluation and the co-examiner or reviewer, the latter's recommendation shall prevail.
- A mark can be increased or decreased as a result of the review process.
- All F grades will continue to be reviewed automatically prior to the Faculty's Marks Meeting, in accordance with the procedure already existing in the Faculty Regulations. There will be no further review following this procedure.