Sam Victor

Sam Victor

Associate member


Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Anthropology, McGill University

Discipline and field of expertise

Anthropology of ethics; moral economy; religious pluralism; secularism.

Research interests

Value conflict; strategies of influence; anthropology of knowledge; anthropology of ethics/morality;
epistemic politics; religious pluralism; evangelicalism in the United States; secularism in Québec


Contact information

samuel.victor [at] (> E-mail)

> Institutional page

> Personal website


Recent and selected publication

2024. Editor of "Religious Suasion" (with D. Cardoza). Special issue of Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol 30, S1. Articles by D. Cardoza, J. Cassaniti, C. Handman, J.Hickman, M. Kravel-Tovi, Y. Qiu, et S. Victor.

2024. "Proselytising is not evangelism: epistemic virtue and religious suasion at a church in Nashville", in the special issue Religious Suasion. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol 30, S1, 77-95.

2024. "Au-delà des croyances littéralistes : repenser le croire évangélique d’une perspective socio-épistémologique", in the special issue Croyances et pratiques en tension. De la Chine ancienne jusqu’à nosjours. RELIER. Revue interdisciplinaire d’études religieuses, vol 31, no. 2, en ligne.

2023. "Wellbeing and Happiness" (avec E. F. Fischer). In. Laidlaw (ed.) The Cambridge Handbook for the Anthropology of Ethics. Cambridge University Press. pp. 335-358.
Forthcoming. "'The Pilgrims of Russia-Town' and the Anthropology of Christianity: Evaluative and Dialogic Frameworks in the Study of Pluralism". In G. A. Jones et D. Rodgers (ed.) Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: The Enduring Relevance of the Chicago School of Sociology. Cambridge University Press.

2024. Churches don't pay taxes. Should they? (with Hillary Kaell). The Conversation.

2023 Editor of "Les aléas de l’appartenance: exclusion, inclusion et vivre-ensemble" (with M. Gouin-Bonenfant and B. W. White). Special issue of Sociograph by the Institut de recherches sociologiques. Articles by M. Dieng Kala, L. Pignolo, A. Roblain & C. Thirry, and B. W. White & N. Blais.



  • CIRM's podcast, Les Quartiers de la recherche, episode "Entre tradition et innovation: le cas de l'église St Jax"

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