Leila Ghaffari
Regular member
Concordia University, Department of Geography, Planning & Environment
Discipline and expertise
Neighborhood transformation, gentrification, territorial inequalities, housing policies, and social aspects of urban spaces
Contact information
leila.ghaffari [at] concordia.ca (> Email)
> Webpage
Recent Publications
Klein, J.-L. & Ghaffari, L. (2024). “Territorial Development and Public Policies in Western Countries: An Evolutionary Review”. In A New Look at Place-Based Philanthropy: Insights from Canada and the US. (eds.) Fontan, J.M., Martinez-Cosio, M., Newton, J., Pole, N. & M. Rabinowitz Bussell. Friesenpress.
Klein, J.-L., Tremblay, D.-G., Sauvage, L., Ghaffari, L. and Angulo, W. (2024) A culture of proximity and urban governance: Toward the commoning of cultural resources. Cultural Geography. (in review)
Ghaffari, L., Hamdouch, A. & Klein, J.-L. (2021). «Le droit au quartier dans la lutte citoyenne pour une gentrification socialement acceptable. Analyse de deux processus de Ghaffari, L., Hamdouch, A. & Klein, J.-L. (2021). Le droit au quartier dans la lutte citoyenne pour une gentrification socialement acceptable. Analyse de deux processus de transformation urbaine à Nantes et à Montréal. Canadian Journal of Urban Research. 30(1), 16-29.