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The Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Montréal (CIRM) is interested in research on Montréal and urban life.

Joan Laur

Joan Laur

Regular member


Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Université de Montréal (UdeM), Montreal Botanical Garden, IRBV

Research interests

Biophilia, ecotechnologies, human-modulated ecosystems, slowtech, resilient city and agriculture, just ecological transition, reduction of greenhouse gas production, soil, water, and air remediation



Contact informations

joan.laur [at] umontreal.ca (> Email)

> Webpage

> Personal website







Recent and select publications

  • Glyphosate has a negligible impact on bacterial diversity and dynamics during composting (2023) V Grenier, J Laur, E Gonzalez, FE Pitre . Environmental Microbiology 25 (12), 2897-2912
  • Irrigation with primary wastewater alters wood anatomy and composition in willow Salix miyabeana SX67 (2023) A Jerbi, J Laur, K Lajoie, PP Gallant, S Barnabé, FE Pitre, M Labrecque Frontiers in Plant Science 14, 1087035
  • Comparative wood anatomy, composition and saccharification yields of wastewater irrigated willow cultivars at three plantations in Canada and Northern Ireland (2023) A Jerbi, M Kalwahali-Muissa, R Krygier, C Johnston, M Blank, M Sarrazin, S Barnabé, J Laur, M Labrecque, NJB Brereton, FE Pitre Biomass and Bioenergy 170, 106683



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