
The McGill Library Sprint!

Published: 1 October 2015

We’ve put together a fun, interactive online orientation scavenger hunt that will help you:

  • Find books and other resources quickly
  • Discover different types of study areas and e-classrooms
  • Learn about photocopying, printing and accessing course reserves
  • Discover how to borrow books using your student card
  • …and more!

Start in the lobby of the Humanities & Social Sciences Library or the Schulich Library of Science and Engineering and access clues on your phone or tablet by visiting:

The McGill Library Sprint takes roughly 30 minutes to complete and will be available until October 31, 2015.

Get the most points and be entered to win! Prizes include a Fitbit Flex and bookstore gift certificates. Draw will take place on November 6, 2015.

Good luck and have fun!

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