Evan Fox-Decent

Professeur titulaire
Chaire de recherche du Canada en droit cosmopolite et justice

3674, rue Peel
Salle 201
Montréal, Québec
Canada H3A 1W9

514-398-6628 [Bureau]
evan.fox-decent [at] mcgill.ca (Courriel)


Evan Fox-Decent
Image par Lysanne Larose.

Visionner: A legal analysis of the CAQ's plan to ban religious symbols (06:06) - CBC News, Oct 5, 2018
Lire: Publications sur SSRN
Ecouter: Mandatory Multilateralism
Télécharger: Curriculum vitae & publications [.doc] (février 2020) 
Focus online: Research profile: Evan Fox-Decent and Vìctor Muñiz-Fraticelli (Dec. 2010)


Le professeur Evan Fox-Decent étudie et enseigne la théorie du droit, la théorie politique, le droit privé, le droit public et le droit international. Il a été nommé titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada (niveau 1) en droit cosmopolite et justice en octobre 2019.

En 2012, l'Association canadienne de science politique annonçait que le livre du professeur Fox-Decent, Sovereignty’s Promise: The State as Fiduciary, était en lice pour le Prix C.B.-Macpherson. En 2016, il a publié un ouvrage avec Evan J. Criddle, Fiduciaries of Humanity: How International Law Constitutes Authority (OUP, 2016), après quoi il a co-édité un ouvrage collectif intitulé Fiduciary Government (CUP, 2018)

Le professeur Fox-Decent est disposé à superviser des étudiants et étudiantes de cycles supérieurs qui s'intéressent à la théorie du droit, aux questions se trouvant à l'intersection de la théorie du droit et de la théorie politique ou de la philosophie, ou encore aux débuts de l'histoire du droit moderne. Il travaille actuellement sur un projet soutenu par le CRSH, The Cosmopolitan Justice of International Law.


  • PhD en philosophie, 2004, University of Toronto (1995-1996, 1999-2004) — (“Sovereignty’s Promise: The State as Fiduciary”)
  • Juris Doctor (with honours), 2000, University of Toronto (1994-1996, 1999-2000) 
  • MA (with distinction), University of Manitoba (1991-1993) — (“Anarchal Egalitarianism: Happiness, Equality and a Denial of Self-Ownership”)
  • Pre-Master of Arts, 1991, University of Manitoba (1990-1991)
  • BA (Dean’s Honour List), University of Manitoba (1985-1987, 1989-1990)

Parcours professionnel

  • Chaire de recherche du Canada (niveau 1) en droit cosmopolite et justice, octobre 2019 - septembre 2026
  • Chercheur invité, Center for Global Constitutionalism, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, hiver/printemps 2019
  • Professeur titulaire, Faculté de droit, Université McGill, 2017-
  • Professeur agrégé, Faculté de droit, Université McGill, 2011-2017
  • Professeur adjoint, Faculté de droit, Université McGill, 2005-2011
  • Boursier CRSH de recherches post-doctorales, Faculté de droit, Université McGill, 2003-2005
  • Instructeur, Département de philosophie, Université de Toronto, 2000-2002
  • Mission de vérification des Nations Unies pour les droits de l'homme au Guatemala (MINUGUA), observateur et officier de projet, 1996-1999
  • Instructeur, Département de philosophie, Université du Manitoba, 1991-1995

Champs d'intérêt

Théorie et politique du droit, la primauté du droit, le droit administratif, le droit des fiducies, le droit et les Premières nations, les droits de la personne.

Publications choisies

Peer-reviewed journal articles

“Mandatory Multilateralism” 113 (2) American Journal of International Law (forthcoming, 2019) (with Evan J. Criddle).
SSRN: Mandatory Multilateralism

Dunsmuir and Jurisdiction” (2018) Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practise: Special Issue – A Decade of Dunsmuir: 71-74 (with Alexander Pless).
SSRN: Dunsmuir and Jurisdiction

"The Authority of Human Rights” (2017) 67 University of Toronto Law Journal: 596–622. 
SSRN: The Authority of Human Rights

“Sovereignty as Trusteeship and Indigenous Peoples” (2015) 16 Theoretical Inquiries in Law: 507-533 (with Ian Dahlman).
SSRN: Sovereignty as Trusteeship and Indigenous Peoples

“Human Rights, Emergencies and the Rule of Law” (2012) 34 Human Rights Quarterly: 39-87 (with Evan J. Criddle).
SSRN: Human Rights, Emergencies, and the Rule of Law

“Contextual Constitutionalism after the UK Human Rights Act 1998” (2012) 61 University of Toronto Law Journal: 133-150.
SSRN: Contextual Constitutionalism

“Interest Balancing vs. Fiduciary Duty: Two Models for National Security Law” (2012) 13(5) German Law Journal: 542-559 (with Evan J. Criddle) (ESIL Special Issue: Ruptures in International Law).
SSRN: Interest Balancing vs. Fiduciary Duty

"Democratizing Common Law Constitutionalism" (2010) 55 McGill Law Journal: 511 - 536.
SSRN: Democratizing Common Law Constitutionalism

"The Fiduciary Constitution of Human Rights" (2010) 15(4) Legal Theory 301 - 336 (with Evan J. Criddle).
SSRN: Fiduciary Constitution of Human Rights

"A Fiduciary Theory of Jus Cogens" (2009) 34 Yale Journal of International Law 331 - 387 (with Evan J. Criddle).
SSRN: A Fiduciary Theory of Jus Cogens

"Is the Rule of Law Really Indifferent to Human Rights?" (2008) 27(6) Law and Philosophy 533 - 581.
SSRN: Is the Rule of Law Really Indifferent to Human Rights?

"Rethinking the Relationship Between International and Domestic Law" (2008) 53(4) McGill Law Journal 573 - 648 (with Armand de Mestral).
SSRN: Rethinking the Relationship Between International and Domestic Law

"Parliamentary Privilege and the Rule of Law" (2007) 20(2) Cdn. Journal of Admin. Law & Practice 117-140.
SSRN: Parliamentary Privilege and the Rule of Law

"Fashioning Legal Authority from Power: The Crown-Native Fiduciary Relationship" (2006) 4 New Zealand Journal of Public and International Law 91 – 116.
SSRN: Fashioning Legal Authority from Power: The Crown-Native Fiduciary Relationship

“The Fiduciary Nature of State Legal Authority” (2005) 31 Queen’s Law Journal 259 – 310.
SSRN: The Fiduciary Nature of State Legal Authority

“Rethinking the Process/Substance Distinction: Baker v. Canada” (2001) 51 University of Toronto Law Journal 193-242 (with David Dyzenhaus).
SSRN: Rethinking the Process/Substance Distinction: Baker v. Canada

“Suresh and Canada’s Legal Obligations regarding Torture” (2001) 12 National Journal of Constitutional Law 425-447.
SSRN: Suresh and Canada's Obligations Regarding Torture

“Why self-ownership is prescriptively impotent” (1998) 32 Journal of Value Inquiry 489-506.
SSRN: Why self-ownership is prescriptively impotent

Books and monographs

Fiduciary Government, Evan J. Criddle, Evan Fox-Decent, Andrew S. Gold, Sung Hui Kim, Paul B. Miller eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018) 13 chapters; 342 pages.

Fiduciaries of Humanity: How International Law Constitutes Authority (Oxford University Press, 2016) (with Evan Criddle) 8 chapters; 392 pages.
SSRN: Fiduciaries of Humanity: How International Law Constitutes Authority (Chapters 1 & 7)

Sovereignty’s Promise: The State as Fiduciary (Oxford Constitutional Theory series, Oxford University Press, 2012) 10 chapters; 305 pages.
SSRN: Front Matter and Prologue
SSRN: Chapter 1 - “Introduction: The State as Fiduciary as the Rule of Law”
SSRN: Chapter 4 - “Fiduciary Relationships and the Presumption of Trust"

Articles/chapters in books and monographs

“Trust and Authority” in Fiduciaries and Trust: Ethics, Politics, Economics and Law, Matthew Harding & Paul Miller eds (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming, 2019).

“Jurisprudential Reflections on Cosmopolitan Law” in The Double-Facing Constitution, Jacco Bomhoff, David Dyzenhaus, & Tom Poole eds (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming, 2019).
SSRN: Jurisprudential Reflections on Cosmopolitan Law

“The Constitution of Equity” in Philosophical Foundations of the Law of Equity, Dennis Klimchuk, Irit Samet & Henry Smith eds. (Oxford University Press, forthcoming, 2019).

“New Frontiers in Public Fiduciary Law” in Oxford Handbook of Fiduciary Law, Evan J Criddle, Paul B Miller, Robert Sitkoff eds (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming, 2019) 909-924.
SSRN: New Frontiers in Public Fiduciary Law

“Dagan & Dorfman’s Jus Gentium Privatum” (2018) 51 Cornell International Law Journal 112-118.
SSRN: Dagan & Dorfman’s Jus Gentium Privatum

“Fiduciary Government: Provenance, Promise, and Pitfalls” in Fiduciary Government, Evan Criddle, Evan Fox-Decent, Andrew Gold, Sung Hui Kim, Paul Miller eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018) 5-20 (with Evan J. Criddle, et al).
SSRN: Fiduciary Government: Provenance, Promise, and Pitfalls

“Guardians of Legal Order: The Dual Commissions of Public Fiduciaries” in Fiduciary Government, Evan Criddle, Evan Fox-Decent, Andrew Gold, Sung Hui Kim, Paul Miller eds. (Cambridge University Press, 2018) 67-95 (with Evan J. Criddle).
SSRN: Guardians of Legal Order: The Dual Commissions of Public Fiduciaries

“Challenges to Public Fiduciary Theory: An Assessment” in Research Handbook on Fiduciary Law, Andrew Gold & Gordon Smith, eds. (Elgar Press, 2018) 379-400.
SSRN: Challenges to Public Fiduciary Theory: An Assessment

“The Charter and Administrative Law Part I: Procedural Fairness” in Administrative Law in Context: 3rd Edition, L. Sossin & C. Flood eds. (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2017) 237-252 (with Alexander Pless).
SSRN: The Charter and Administrative Law Part I: Procedural Fairness

“The Charter and Administrative Law Part II: Substantive Review” in Administrative Law in Context: 3rd Edition, L. Sossin & C. Flood eds. (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2017) 507-528 (with Alexander Pless)
SSRN: The Charter and Administrative Law Part II: Substantive Review

“Keeping the Promise of Public Fiduciary Theory: A Reply to Leib and Galoob” (2016) 126 Yale Law Journal Forum: 192-215 (with Evan J. Criddle).
SSRN: Keeping the Promise of Public Fiduciary Theory: A Reply to Leib and Galoob

“Constitutional Legitimacy Unbound” in Philosophical Foundations of Constitutional Law, David Dyzenhaus & Malcolm Thorburn eds. (Oxford University Press, 2016) (in press): 119-140.
SSRN: Constitutional Legitimacy Unbound

“Fiduciary Authority and the Service Conception” in Philosophical Foundations of Fiduciary Law, Andrew Gold and Paul Miller eds. (Oxford: OUP, 2014): 363 – 387..
SSRN: Fiduciary Authority and the Service Conception

“Unseating Unilateralism” in Private Law and the Rule of Law, Lisa Austin & Dennis Klimchuk eds. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014): 116 – 138.
SSRN: Unseating Unilateralism

“The Charter and Administrative Law: Cross-Fertilisation or Inconstancy?” in Administrative Law in Context: 2nd Edition, L. Sossin & C. Flood eds. (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2013) (with Alexander Pless).
SSRN: The Charter and Administrative Law: Cross-Fertilization or Inconstancy?

“Hobbes’s Relational Theory: Beneath Power and Consent” in Hobbes and the Law, David Dyzenhaus & Tom Poole eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012): 118-144.
SSRN: Hobbes’s Relational Theory: Beneath Power and Consent

“From Fiduciary States to Joint Trusteeship of the Atmosphere: The Right to a Healthy Environment through a Fiduciary Prism” in Fiduciary States and the Atmospheric Trust, Ken Coghill, Tim Smith & Charles Sampford eds. (Ashgate Publishing, 2012): 253-268.
SSRN: From Fiduciary States to Joint Trusteeship of the Atmosphere

"The Charter and Administrative Law: Cross-Fertilization in Public Law" in Administrative Law in Context, C. Flood & L. Sossin eds. (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2008) 169 - 195.
SSRN: The Charter and Administrative Law: Cross-Fertilization in Public Law

“Implementation and Reception: The Congeniality of Canada’s Legal Order to International Law” in The Globalized Rule of Law: Relationships between International and Domestic Law, Oonagh Fitzgerald, et. al. eds. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2006) 31 – 83 (with Armand de Mestral).
SSRN: Implementation and Reception: The Congeniality of Canada's Legal Order to International Law

“The Internal Morality of Administration: The Form and Structure of Reasonableness” in The Unity of Public Law, David Dyzenhaus ed., (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2004) 143-171.
SSRN: The Internal Morality of Administration: The Form and Structure of Reasonableness

“Constitutional Protection of Indigenous Rights in Canada: Reconciling State Sovereignty with the Pre-existence of Distinctive Aboriginal Societies” in Administración de Justicia y Pueblos Indígenas en la Perspectiva del Derecho Intercultural, Adriana Lander Osío ed., (Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela Press, 2003) 73-103.


“Review of Marc Ribeiro, Limiting Arbitrary Power: The Vagueness Doctrine in Canadian Constitutional Law” Queen’s Law Journal (2005) 30 Queen’s Law Journal 923 – 37.
SSRN: Review Essay of Mark Rebeiro, Limiting Arbitrary Power: The Vagueness Doctrine in Canadian Constitutional Law

Other papers and publications

"Deriving Peremptory Norms from Sovereignty" (2009) Am. Soc'y Int'l L. Proc. (with Evan J. Criddle).
SSRN: Deriving Peremptory Norms from Sovereignty

“Indigenous Peoples and Human Dignity” in Dignity: A Special Focus on Vulnerable Groups, F. Mégret & F. Hoffman eds. (Agenda for Human Rights: a Swiss Initiative, 2009): 36 – 48.
Download: Dignity - A Special Focus on Vulnerable Groups [.PDF - 109 kb]

“Parliamentary Privilege, the Charter and the Rule of Law after the Vaid Case”(2007) 20(3) Canadian Parliamentary Review: 27-35. (A revised and abridged version of “Parliamentary Privilege and the Rule of Law” (2007) (20)(2) CJALP.)
SSRN: Parliamentary Privilege, the Rule of Law and the Charter after the Vaid Case

“Programa Andino de Derechos Humanos y Democracia: Final Evaluation Report” (Utrecht, the Netherlands: Human European Consultancy, 2006) 176 pages (with Christiane Tuijtelaars and Hilde Hey).


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