Reading List on Mental Health
The Neuro-Patient Resource Centre. Canada. -
Mental health care and services: a diverse offer for all needs
Government of Québec. 2024. Canada -
Government of Québec. 2018. Canada. -
Justice and Mental Health in Quebec
Douglas Institute. 2013. Canada. -
Mood Disorders
Government du Québec. 2018. Canada. -
Psychosis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
Douglas Institute. 2013. Canada. -
Psychotic Disorders
Gouvernment of Québec. 2022. Canada. -
Recovery: What Is It?
Douglas Institute. 2013. Canada. -
The Programme d’accompagnement justice-santé mentale (PAJ-SM) in Montreal
Douglas Institute. 2013. Canada. -
When a Person Presents a Danger to Him or Herself or Others
Douglas Institute. 2011. Canada. -
When a Person Suffering From a Mental Disorder Commits an Offence
Douglas Institute. 2013. Canada. -
Top Ten Myths About Mental Illness: Part 1
Douglas Institute. 2013. Canada. -
Top Ten Myths About Mental Illness: Part 2
Douglas Institute. 2013. Canada. -
AMI Quebec — Action on Mental Illness (Support Groups)
AMI Québec. Canada. -
Refer-o-scope — A tool to observe and act before psychosis strikes
refer-O-scope. n.d. Canada. -
Mental Health (Édition 2024, french only)
Biblio-Santé. 2024. -
Anxiety Disorders
Centers for Addiction and Mental Health. n.d.. Canada. -
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Canada. -
Mental Health
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Canada. -
Personality Disorders
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Canada. -
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Canada. -
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Canada. -
Bipolar Disorder — Information Guide
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health /Centre de toxicomanie et de santé mentale. 2013. Canada. -
Depression in Older Adults
Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health . 2019. Canada. -
Mental Illnesses
Canadian Mental Health Association /Association canadienne pour la santé mentale. 2016. Canada. -
Women and psychosis — An information guide
Pamela Blake. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health /Centre de toxicomanie et de santé mentale. 2015. Canada. -
When a Parent Has Experienced Psychosis: What Kids Want to Know
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health/Centre de toxicomanie et de santé mentale. n.d. Canada. -
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health /Centre de toxicomanie et de santé mentale. Canada. -
First episode psychosis — An information guide
Sarah Bromley. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health /Centre de toxicomanie et de santé mentale. 2015. Canada. -
Database of the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System (CCDSS)
Public Health Agency of Canada/Agence de la santé publique du Canada. 2019. Canada. -
Catch a falling star (book for children and adults)
Gayle Grass and Iris the Dragon. 2001. Canada. -
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder — An Information Guide
Neil A. Rector, Ph.D. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health /Centre de toxicomanie et de santé mentale. 2016. Canada. -
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health /Centre de toxicomanie et de santé mentale. n.d. Canada. -
Bipolar Disorder
American Academy of Physicians. 2020. USA. -
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
National Institute of Mental Health. 2022. USA. -
What is Schizophrenia?
Brain & Behavior Research Foundation. n.d. USA. -
National Institute of Mental Health
National Institute of Mental Health. USA.