General Information
McGill University
Dementia Activity Booklet (2023)
Dementia Activity flipbook (2023)
Jewish General Hospital
The Anna & Louis Goldfarb JGH/McGill Memory Clinic (2020) Canada.
Douglas Institute
Snoezelen® (2012) Canada.
Care and services — Institut de gériatrie de Montréal (2020) Canada.
Canadian Institute for Health Information
CIHI Dementia in Canada Digital Report (2018) Canada.
Public Health Agency of Canada
Dementia (2019) Canada
Infographic on Dementia & Alzheimer’s disease in Canada (2018)
Database of the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System (CCDSS) 2019. Canada.
Heart and Stroke Foundation
Alzheimer Society of Canada.
What is dementia? (2020)
Canadian Mortage and Housing Corporation
Dementia Friendly Canada
Lewy Body Dementia Association. USA.
American Academy of Physicians. USA.
Dementia (2020)
Merck Manual. USA.
Dementia (2020) USA.
Alzheimer’s Association. USA.
Mild Cognitive Impairment (2019)
World Health Organization. International.
Dementia (2020)
McGill University
Family Caregiver Alliance. USA.
McGill University
Activities to Engage People Living with Dementia: A video series to encourage people living with dementia to participate in meaningful activities This video series features 12 activities, including: Making origami, jewellery, playdough and cooking to stimulate creativity, creating a scent kit to stimulate your senses, and participating in household activities including cleaning out the fridge, decluttering, and folding laundry to encourage a sense of self.
McGill Cares Webcasts - Archives (2020-present)
Alzheimer Society of Canada
Government of Canada