Books in our collection on this topic
The Anna & Louis Goldfarb JGH/McGill Memory Clinic
Jewish General Hospital. 2020. Canada. -
Care and services — Institut de gériatrie de Montréal
CIUSSS. 2020. Canada. -
The differences between normal aging and dementia
Alzheimer Society. n.d. Canada.
Dementia Program — Moe Levin Memory Clinic
Douglas Institute. n.d. Canada. -
Confusion, Memory Loss, and Altered Alertness
Government of Alberta. 2019. Canada. -
Memory Loss
Mark Freedman, MD. Merck Manual. 2023. USA. -
Memory loss: 7 Tips to Improve Your Memory
Mayo Clinic. 2019. USA. -
Mild Cognitive Impairment
Alzheimer’s Association. 2019. USA. -
The Mature Mind: Aging Resiliently
The Dana Foundation. 2023. USA. -
How to keep your mind sharp
Mayo Clinic. 2017. USA. -
Memory Problems and Tips on How to Cope With Them
Brain and Spine Foundation. 2016. UK.