About us

Enhancing Learning and Teaching in Engineering (ELATE) is an initiative that aims to foster learning communities comprising of undergraduate and graduate students, teaching assistants, and academic and non-academic staff with the objective of enhancing and promoting excellence in the learning and teaching experience in the Faculty of Engineering.

Strategic Objectives

  • Support a culture of critical thinking about teaching and learning
  • Promote and support the use of evidence-based pedagogical strategies and innovative educational tools
  • Equip current and future engineering educators with pedagogical knowledge and skills
  • Support and promote engagement in engineering education research
  • Foster connection and collaboration among the McGill engineering education community

Selected Publications

ELATE is proud to contribute to the advancement of the field of engineering education through participation in conferences and academic publications. Below is a selection of publications authored by past and present ELATE team members (identified by an asterix*) as well those authored by faculty members leading ELATE-supported projects.

If you are interested in working with ELATE on a research project, please contact elate.engineering [at] mcgill.ca (our team) or see our funding opportunities and awards.






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