Academic Advising
Your departmental advisor is the key to successfully navigating your chosen program of study!
Check the top left corner of your unofficial transcript via the 'Student' menu in Minerva to see your advisor's name.
Then, contact your advisor by [at] (email), or book an appointment with them directly:
In-Person Advising with Grace Wong
Virtual Advising on MS Teams with Grace Wong
In-Person Advising with Tabitha Beedle
Virtual Advising on MS Teams with Tabitha Beedle
In-Person Advising with Susie Vodopivec
Virtual Advising on MS Teams with Susie Vodopivec
Virtual or in-person Advising on MS Teams with Patrick Ritchie
Academic Standing
Academic standing is based on the student’s grade point average (GPA) according to grades obtained from all courses, including those from Field Experience (EDFE) courses.
Visit the Academic Standing page for more information.
Advanced Standing Credits
Students who attended University prior to coming to McGill may be eligible for transfer credit. Please verify the credits already awarded to you by Admissions on your Minerva Unofficial Transcript. If you believe that you are entitled to additional credits, please review the Advanced Standing Guidelines and speak with your advisor. Please fill in the Request for Transfer Credit Form following consultation with your Academic Advisor.
Visit the Advanced Standing & Transfer Credits page for more information.
For a complete list of welcome events, please visit Get Ready, by Campus Life & Engagement
Field Experience Information
Students enrolled in B.Ed. teacher certification programs are required to complete a total of four field placements. There are no field placements during the Foundation Year (U0). For more information on Field Experiences, please see here.
Foundation Year Information
Students admitted from high school who receive less than 24 credits of advanced standing will be required to complete a maximum of 30 credits toward their Foundation Year (U0) before beginning Year 1 of their program.
After completing 30 credits of courses in your Foundation (U0) year, you will start following the highly structured Year 1 course plan for your B.Ed degree.
International Student Information
International Students in Bachelor of Education programs in addition to the CAQ and Study Permit, must obtain a Co-op/Internship Work Permit issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada as a requirement for the mandatory Field Experiences. For more detailed information, please see International Student Services
Key Academic Dates
Please visit the Key Academic Dates page for more information for dates all students should be aware of for the current Fall and Winter terms.
Program Checklist and Overviews
Transfer Credits
Registration Information
Students will be invited to attend registration preparation sessions in June called McGill Pre-Registration Orientation (PRO), where advisors will guide them through the registration process. Until then, please review helpful information and tips on Registering for courses.
Access Minerva to verify your Classification for registration, your program details, and your registration time ticket by going to: Student Menu>Registration Menu>Step 1: Check Your Registration Eligibility and Verify Your Curriculum. Your registration time ticket should correspond to one of the dates in the table on the WHEN to Register page.
Please review helpful information and tips on Registering for courses.
Visit the Preparing for Course Registration page for more information.