4th Annual Catalyst Awards Ceremony
The Office of Sustainability is proud to recognize the many and significant efforts that have taken place at McGill this year.
These awards recognize efforts to grow towards sustainability, including the development of a comprehensive sustainability strategy through the Vision 2020 process.
Please join us in celebrating all the achievements of the past year and the people who have made them happen at a cocktail on the second of April at six o'clock PM at the Faculty Club Ballroom, followed by an award presentation at half-past six.
Please RSVP by March 21st to attend this years Awards. Childcare is available.
- 18:00 Cocktail Reception
- 18:30 Presentations Begin
Light Refreshments will be served prior to and after the presentations.
To find out more about the awards plese visit https://www.mcgill.ca/sustainability/about/catalyst-awards