Platinum Rating
Using the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education's STARS rating system.
McGill aims to maintain the highest level: Platinum.

McGill aims to become zero-waste by 2035, which means attaining a diversion rate of 90 percent based on internationally recognized standards.
Zero-Waste by 2035

Carbon Neutrality
McGill has pledged to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040 by reducing emissions wherever possible.

Increase Climate Resilience
McGill’s operations and community have been, and will continue to be, affected by the changing climate. McGill will further pursue climate adaptation measures in its upcoming projects. It will also develop processes and programs to help prepare its community for a changing climate.

Become a Nature Positive University
McGill plays a unique role in fostering biodiversity, particularly through its various properties, which support a wide variety of species. To continue fostering biodiversity on its campuses, McGill will increasingly rely on a differentiated space management approach for its exterior spaces.