McGill has an extensive network of student and community groups working on all aspects of sustainability.
Use the list below, categorized by area of interest, to connect with a group on campus:
- All Groups
- Environmental Sustainability
- Social Sustainability
- Economic Sustainability
- Research
- Education
- Food
All Groups
Beyond Me
Beyond Me is a charitable, student-run McGill organization that provides single and group mentoring services for children and teenagers with special needs. We give youth and student volunteers the possibility to be paired and develop a rewarding relationship, in a fun and secure environment! We aim to engage youth and families, empower self-growth, encourage communication, enhance perception, and experience community.
- Email montrealbeyondme [at]
- Beyond Me on Facebook
Buy Your Own Bulk
Buy Your Own Bulk is a student run non-for-profit. We aim to provide affordable and nutritious food to the Macdonald Community.
- Email byob.macdonald [at]
- Buy Your Own Bulk on Facebook
- Buy Your Own Bulk on Instagram
Campus Crops
Campus Crops is a collective that works on urban agriculture initiatives to grow food on campus and provide students and community members with space and opportunities to learn. We seek to promote discussion around issues of food politics and food security. We run gardens behind the McGill School of Environment building and in front of the ECOLE building.
- Email campuscrops [at]
- Campus Crops on Facebook
Desautels Sustainability Network
The Desautels Sustainability Network (DSN) seeks to promote sustainable business on-campus, and help students envision sustainability as an opportunity. Our missions are to increase Desautels' presence within McGill's sustainability community, to build a strong local community of sustainable businesses, to make sustainability relevant to everyone, and to promote sustainability throughout Desautels.
Divest McGill
Divest McGill is an environmental justice campaign calling on McGill University to acknowledge and address the urgency of the climate crisis by divesting from the fossil fuel industry. Divest typically meets at ECOLE once a week and operates primarily on Downtown Campus.
- Email divestmcgill [at]
- Divest McGill on Facebook
- Divest McGill on Instagram
- Divest McGill on Twitter
ECOLE is a model of urban sustainable living and a physical hub for the McGill and Montreal sustainability communities. Our mandate, as defined in our constitution, is to “bring together McGill students, faculty and staff and Montreal community members in the pursuit of sustainable living by means of applied student research, alternative education, and community building.”
- Email ecole.facilitators [at]
- Email ecoleproject [at]
- ECOLE on Facebook
- ECOLE on Instagram
- ECOLE on Twitter
Environmental Residence Council
The ERC serves to promote conservation in McGill residences through both education and example. The Council is composed of representatives from each hall who host environmentally-friendly events and initiatives throughout the residences. We often collaborate with other environmental organizations both on and off campus.
- Email [at]
- Environmental Residence Council on Facebook
- Environmental Residence Council on Instagram
ESG McGill
Open to all students, ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) McGill is focused on improving members’ financial literacy skills while exploring how market-based solutions can help mitigate social and climate issues. Through educational reporting, networking opportunities, and speaker events, our club seeks to promote the emerging sphere of ESG on campus.
- Email esg [at]
- ESG McGill on Facebook
- ESG McGill on Instagram
The Flat
The Flat is a collective that works to encourage cycling through the sharing of knowledge and tools. We have everything you need to learn how to fix your bike. All persons and bikes welcome - no experience necessary! We seek to make bicycling more accessible, provide a welcoming environment, minimize our environmental impact, and promote a sense of community.
- theflat.bikecollective [at]
- The Flat on Facebook
- The Flat on Instagram
Global Food Security Club
The McGill Global Food Security Club (GFS) raises awareness on food security issues. The GFS club supports, shares information, and collaborates to develop a network between campuses, universities, NGOs and the general public. We do this through events, fundraisers, forums on Hidden Food Insecurity, initiatives like food collection/drives and an exhibition to break the stigma related to homelessness.
- Email mcgillgfsclub [at]
- The Global Food Security Club on Facebook
Greenpeace McGill
Our mission is to work on local environmental issues, to promote broader Greenpeace campaigns, and to increase awareness of the intersectionality of environmental issues and wider questions of social justice and global peace. We are focusing on our online presence and building a virtual community and platform for individuals, groups and organizations with similar values.
- Email greenpeace.mcgill [at]
- Greenpeace McGill on Facebook
- Greenpeace McGill on Instagram
Green Labs Initiative
The GLI at McGill promotes and supports environmental sustainability in research labs (wet labs and dry labs) across campus.
- Email [at]
- Green Labs Initiative at McGill on Facebook
HeForShe McGill is a student-run organization inspired by the UN Women Gender Equality Solidarity Movement. We are dedicated to promoting gender equality in all corners of society, starting with McGill and the greater Montreal community by spreading awareness. We provide a space where people of all genders can talk about gender equality.
- Email heforshemcgill [at]
- HeForShe McGill on Facebook
- HeForShe McGill on Instagram
Helping Hands McGill
We provide kits containing basic necessities, within reusable bags, to female patients at our CVIS clinic, Parc Ex CLSC, and the Native Women’s Shelter. We promote a culture of sustainability on campus through our Kit-Building Events, inviting our peers to join us in sourcing health and hygiene products in bulk to minimize packaging, and by using reusable bags.
- Email helpinghandsmcgill [at]
- Helping Hands McGill on Facebook
- Helping Hands McGill on Instagram
Her Campus
Her Campus McGill is the McGill branch of an international women's magazine written by and for university women. Its goal is to encourage a healthy community of women who believe in themselves and each other. As such, Her Campus tackles a wide variety of subjects, such as current sociopolitical affairs, pop culture events, and academic studies. We are interested in dedicated and ambitious female students who share our passion for writing and for strong female communities. No prior professional experience writing is required.
- Email hc.mcgill [at]
- Her Campus on Facebook
- Her Campus on Instagram
- Her Campus on Twitter
International Development Studies Students Association (IDSS)
The International Development Studies Students Association represents all McGill students in the IDS program and to provide activities and services to enhance the educational, cultural, environmental and social conditions of its members under the principles of sustainability, accessibility, and equity.
- Email logisticsevents.idssamcgill [at]
- International Development Studies Students Association on Facebook
The McGill Students’ Chapter is a student initiative of, a national organization that helps defeat the stigma around mental health and promotes mental well-being. Bringing together passionate individuals from across McGill, we strive to help others find access to support, but to raise awareness about the growing reality of mental illness and its effects in our very own community.
- mscjackdotorg [at]
- McGill on Facebook
- McGill on Twitter
- McGill on Instagram
Junior Peacemakers
Junior Peacemakers is a branch of IRSAM that aims to nurture values of global citizenship and to foster youth activism. Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals, we offer a 6-week program to primary students in Montreal (and remotely in other North American cities), covering topics such as conflict resolution, discrimination, the climate crisis, equality and youth activism.
- Email jr.peacemakers [at]
- Junior Peacemakers on Facebook
- Junior Peacemakers on Instagram
Little Forests McGill
Through environmentally-conscious initiatives centered around adopting a sustainable relationship between students and nature, Little Forests McGill aims to: plant little forests in accordance with the principles of the Miyawaki method, adapted to the Canadian environment, on McGill campuses and/or around the city of Montreal; attempt to decolonise the way students and other community members view the world and, in particular, how we view our relationship with nature and with the beings that live within it; and promote a deeper connection to nature for members and non-members of the club.
- Email littleforestsmcgill [at]
- Little Forests McGill on Facebook
- Little Forests McGill on Instagram
Macdonald Student-run Ecological Gardens (MSEG)
The Macdonald Student-run Ecological Gardens (MSEG) is a student-farm at Mac campus that provides fresh and local community-supported vegetable baskets to registered members and sells at farmer's markets. We also educate consumers on the realities of food production by offering guided tours of the farm and participating in sustainability talks. The McGill community can support us by promoting or registering for our baskets and volunteering to work with us on the fields during our production period (May to October)
- Email macdonaldstudentgarden [at]
- MSEG on Facebook
- MSEG on Instagram
McGill Bee Club
The McGill Bee Club maintains a small apiary on the Macdonald campus. We focus on educating students in responsible beekeeping practices. We strive to improve students' understandings of the relationship between pollinators (managed and wild) and agricultural systems. We try to prevent the "bee-washing" of pollinator health initiatives through education about other pollinators.
- Email maa.beeclub [at]
- McGill Bee Club on Facebook
McGill Collective for Gender Equity
McGill Collective for Gender Equity supports United Nations Women by engaging students through advocacy and fundraising. We raise awareness about gender based global issues such as violence against women and girls, empowerment programs, and more. We organize panel discussions, film showings, fundraisers, and discussion groups. We support UN Women in any capacity upon the request from headquarters.
- Email genderequalitycollectivemcgill [at]
- McGill Collective for Gender Equity on Facebook
- McGill Collective for Gender Equity on Instagram
McGill Energy Association
The McGill Energy Association strives to educate the McGill community about the global energy challenge. We invite a variety of speakers, such as energy investment bankers, the former CEO of Hydro Quebec and the current Deputy Minister of Energy in Alberta, to share their unique perspectives. We also host an annual industry tour of the Hydro Quebec facilities in downtown Montreal.
- Email Mmcgillenergyassociation [at]
- McGill Energy Association on Facebook
McGill Nourish International
McGill Nourish is one chapter of a student-led movement that works to forward sustainable action and environmental justice both globally and within our communities in Montreal. We plan ventures to spread awareness and education as well as raise funds; we invest 100% of those profits into different projects that we believe in every year.
- Email mcgill [at]
- McGill Nourish International on Facebook
- McGill Nourish International on Instagram
McGill Nurses for Planetary Health
McGill Nurses for Planetary Health advocates for environmental and social justice at the Ingram School of Nursing and the wider community. We promote community initiatives and provide information about the relevance of sustainability and its application to health.
McGill Outdoors Club
The McGill Outdoors Cub sponsors and encourages outdoor and recreational activities in the goal of fostering an appreciation for and protection of the environment. By running outdoor trips and renting gear at cost, we serve to promote the formation of an environmentally-minded outdoor community in Montreal. We hold our meetings on the Downtown Campus, and run trips mostly throughout Quebec and the Northeastern United States.
- Email info [at]
- McGill Outdoors Club on Facebook
- McGill Outdoors Club on Instagram
McGill Permaculture Club
The McGill Permaculture Club is for students who are curious and/or passionate about permaculture. Our objective is to increase awareness of permaculture, and to grow students’ appreciation of its benefits. We engage with the Macdonald Permaculture Showcase Garden and the Permaculture Food Forest. Club activities include workshops, farm visits, discussion groups, movie screenings, hands-on farm work, and more! We also offer internship opportunities in the garden to earn McGill credit(s).
- Email mcgillpermacultureclub [at]
- McGill Permaculture Club on Facebook
- McGill Permaculture Club on Instagram
McGill Social Business Network
McGill Social Business Network promotes social innovation at McGill. We host events to provide students with access to social entrepreneurs, social intrapreneurs, social businesses, and CSR professionals. We offer consulting services for social businesses, nonprofits and social-impact related projects within corporations. We also run a social enterprise, Learning Is For Everyone, with the mission to reduce the high school drop-out rate in Montreal.
- Email mcgill.sbn [at]
- McGill Social Business Network on Facebook
- McGill Social Business Network on Twitter
- McGill Social Business Network on Instagram
Menstrual Health Project
The Menstrual Health Project seeks to provide the McGill community with free and accessible menstrual products that range from disposable pads and tampons to reusable products such as period underwear, menstrual cups, and reusable pads. We do this through monthly pick-ups on campus where products are available on a first-come first-serve basis and by filling washrooms across campus with products.
- Email menstrualhealth [at]
- Menstrual Health Project on Instagram
Midnight Kitchen
Midnight Kitchen is a non-profit, worker and volunteer-run collective that operates out of Tio’tia:ke dedicated to providing accessible food to as many people as possible. We aim to provide an alternative to current capitalist, profit-driven systems of food production and distribution. We provide education on social, environmental, and food (in)justice issues, creating space for exchanging ideas within the community. MK hosts popular education workshops on various topics which are always catered with a vegan, nut-free meal.
- Email midnightkitchencollective [at]
- Midnight Kitchen on Facebook
- Midnight Kitchen on Instagram
Our Shared Spaces
Our Shared Spaces (OSS) offers equity-centered workshops and events to all students at McGill. At its core, OSS is an educational workshop series that creates spaces in which students are empowered to foster inclusive and equitable living and learning environments on campus. By holding space for respectful dialogue, OSS supports student development and affirms the plurality of student experiences of campus life, which is integral to social sustainability. All students can attend an Our Shared Spaces workshop. We provide workshops both in-person downtown and online.
- Email oursharedspaces [at]
- Our Shared Spaces on Facebook
- Our Shared Spaces on Instagram
PGSS Environment Committee
The PGSS Environment Committee (PEC) works with PGSS members, staff and executives on campus environmental issues. This includes monitoring PGSS’ policies relating to environmental issues, ensuring representation on university environmental committees and groups, and planning educational events for that ensure interaction on environmental issues between the PGSS and greater Montreal community.
- Email environment.pgss [at]
- PGSS Environment Committee on Facebook
- PGSS Environment Committee on Instagram
Plate Club
The Plate Club is SSMU's free dishware rental service. We provide free loans of plates, cups, bowls, wine glasses, cutlery, and more to groups and individuals in the McGill Community, with the goal of reducing the waste generated from events held on campus. In a typical semester, we prevent over 10 000 disposables from being thrown out!
- Email theplateclub [at]
- Plate Club on Facebook
Promoting Opportunities for Women in Engineering (POWE)
POWE is a philanthropic group under EUS that aims to encourage women and feminine-identifying gender minorities to join engineering by presenting the many career opportunities within the field; enlighten everyone about the contributions of women in engineering; create a safe space where women and feminine-identifying gender minorities can socialize and seek support; and promote inclusion and diversity in engineering.
- Email powe [at]
- POWE McGill on Facebook
- POWE McGill on Instagram
QueerMcGill (QM)
QM provides support to queer students through working groups, a library, distribution of resources (safer sex supplies, gender affirming products, sustainable menstrual products), a visible presence on campus, and sustainable social activities. QM also acts as a resource for information pertaining to queer people and queer issues.
- Email admin.qm [at]
- QueerMcGill on Facebook
- QueerMcGill on Instagram
- QueerMcGill Listserv
Research and Sustainability Network
The Research and Sustainability Network (RSN) seeks to inform and empower students at McGill, bridging the gap between researchers in sustainability and undergraduates interested in research. Through recurring conferences, speaker series, and networking events, we aim to connect like-minded individuals within a cross-faculty network, facilitating collaboration and increasing accessibility to undergraduate research positions.
- Email rsnetwork.mcgill [at]
- RSN on Facebook
- RSN on Instagram
Science Undergraduate Society Environment Committee (SUSEC)
The Science Undergraduate Society Environment Committee (SUSEC) is a group of undergraduate science students committed to promoting environmental awareness and improving the environmental standards and practices within McGill and the community at large. We strive to ensure that the SUS is committed to meeting its highest sustainability standards in all of its operations and events. Our largest event is the SUS’s Green Week. It is a student-run, multifaceted initiative including workshops, events and fundraisers aimed at promoting environmental awareness and sustainability. It is an opportunity for McGill students to attend various events and workshops focused on central issues pertaining to the effects of our actions on the environment.
- Email environment [at]
- SESEC on Facebook
- SUSEC on Instagram
Science Undergraduate Society Social Sustainability
We are responsible for enforcing inclusivity, promoting cultural diversity, and giving underrepresented groups a voice. This committee creates events, raises awareness about social injustice, and supports equity in the science community. We have held a Disparities in Health Care webinar and a fundraiser for Welcome Collective, a Montreal-based organization that supports refugee-claimant families.
- Email ssc [at]
- Science Undergraduate Society Social Sustainability on Instagram
- Science Undergraduate Society Social Sustainability on Facebook
Scientista aims to empower pre-professional women in STEM through resources, mentorship and online events. We host interdisciplinary speaker series, relaxation activities and workshops. By promoting equity and accessibility to resources and opportunities, we aim to foster a culture of inclusivity and sustainability.
- Email scientista.mcgill [at]
- Scientista on Facebook
SNAC aims to make sustainable nutrition more accessible to the McGill Community. We have 3 main initiatives: nutrition workshops, the Good Food Box, and an urban food sustainability conference. These projects focus on preventing food waste, increasing nutrition knowledge, and spreading awareness of food sustainability initiatives in Montreal.
- Email snac.mcgill [at]
- SNAC on Facebook
- SNAC on Instagram
SSMU Environment Committee
The SSMU Environment Committee provides support to students who want to get involved with sustainability on campus. The Committee facilitates coalition-building between green groups and students, promotes green events and initiatives to the campus community, and runs regular workshops to support students in their quest to develop sustainable lifestyles. McGill students can join our weekly meetings, which currently happen every Tuesday from 5:30pm-6:30pm.
- Email sustainability [at]
- SSMU Environment Committee on Facebook
Students in Mind (SiM)
Students in Mind (SiM) is an annual mental health conference at McGill University organized by students, for students. Along with our annual conference, we host panels, wellness events, and more in order to foster a mentally healthy and socially sustainable community on campus.
- Email studentsinmind [at]
- Students in Mind on Facebook
- Students in Mind on Instagram
Student Club for Animal Liberation and Ethics (SCALE)
McGill Student Club for Animal Liberation and Ethics, formerly known as the Herbivore Society for Peace and Justice, is a non-hierarchical activist group that focuses on the moral and ethical benefits of abstaining from animal products. We work to raise awareness inside and outside of the McGill community about the mistreatment of animals, and educate about the ethical and individual benefits of abstaining from animal products. We provide opportunities for vegans, and those curious about veganism, to exchange information about the ethical framework of veganism.
- Email mcgill.herbivores [at]
- SCALE on Facebook
- SCALE on Instagram
Student Sustainability Network (SSN)
The SSN, coordinated by the Office of Sustainability, brings together student groups that are involved in creating a culture of sustainability at McGill.
The SSN stays connected throughout the year through email and Facebook and meets approximately once per term to share information about sustainability-related opportunities for students on campus. Join the SSN Facebook Group
Complete the McGill Student Sustainability Network form to join and stay up to date with the SSN
For questions about the SSN, email: engagement.sustainability [at]
Sustainability in Engineering At McGill (SEAM)
SEAM, Sustainability in Engineering at McGill, is a committee within the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS). We as a committee serve as a supporting platform, fostering and promoting a culture of sustainability within the Faculty of Engineering at McGill. We do this through four main efforts: events, projects, consulting work and by compiling and providing resources.
- Email seam.chair [at]
- SEAM on Facebook
- SEAM on Instagram
Walking Birds
The Walking Birds promotes physical activity and sustainability across McGill with their mascot Sam the Martlet. They use strategic, evidence-based messaging and other health promotion strategies to encourage people to get moving and stay active in order to shift away from facilitated transport and sedentary lifestyle habits.
- Email walkingbirds [at]
- Walking Birds on Facebook
- Walking Birds on Instagram
Women in Tech (WIT)
Women in Tech is a student-run club at McGill University that aims to encourage more women to reach out for jobs in the tech industry. Whether it be through networking events, coding workshops, or company tours, we want to provide all women of varying backgrounds with opportunities and skills to be able to excel in the tech world.
- Email womenintech [at]
- Women in Tech on Facebook
- Women in Tech Linktree
World University Service of Canada (WUSC)
WUSC is a non-profit international development organization that works to improve education, employment, and empowerment opportunities for youth around the world. Through the Student Refugee Program (SRP), WUSC delivers a unique youth-to-youth refugee settlement program that combines sponsorship with post-secondary education and puts Canadian institutions and students at the heart of the funding and support structure.
- Email wusc.mcgill [at]
- WUSC on Facebook
- WUSC on Instagram
- WUSC Newsletter
Environmental Sustainability
Buy Your Own Bulk
Buy Your Own Bulk is a student run non-for-profit. We aim to provide affordable and nutritious food to the Macdonald Community.
- Email byob.macdonald [at]
- Buy Your Own Bulk on Facebook
- Buy Your Own Bulk on Instagram
Campus Crops
Campus Crops is a collective that works on urban agriculture initiatives to grow food on campus and provide students and community members with space and opportunities to learn. We seek to promote discussion around issues of food politics and food security. We run gardens behind the McGill School of Environment building and in front of the ECOLE building.
- Email campuscrops [at]
- Campus Crops on Facebook
Environmental Residence Council
The ERC serves to promote conservation in McGill residences through both education and example. The Council is composed of reps from each hall who host environmentally-friendly events and initiatives throughout the residences. We often collaborate with other environmental organizations both on and off campus.
- Email [at]
- Environmental Residence Council on Facebook
- Environmental Residence Council on Instagram
Greenpeace McGill
Our mission is to work on local environmental issues, to promote broader Greenpeace campaigns, and to increase awareness of the intersectionality of environmental issues and wider questions of social justice and global peace. We are focusing on our online presence and building a virtual community and platform for individuals, groups and organizations with similar values.
- Email greenpeace.mcgill [at]
- Greenpeace McGill on Facebook
- Greenpeace McGill on Instagram
Little Forests McGill
Through environmentally-conscious initiatives centered around adopting a sustainable relationship between students and nature, Little Forests McGill aims to: plant little forests in accordance with the principles of the Miyawaki method, adapted to the Canadian environment, on McGill campuses and/or around the city of Montreal; attempt to decolonise the way students and other community members view the world and, in particular, how we view our relationship with nature and with the beings that live within it; and promote a deeper connection to nature for members and non-members of the club.
- Email littleforestsmcgill [at]
- Little Forests McGill on Facebook
- Little Forests McGill on Instagram
McGill Nurses for Planetary Health
McGill Nurses for Planetary Health advocates for environmental and social justice at the Ingram School of Nursing and the wider community. We promote community initiatives and provide information about the relevance of sustainability and its application to health.
McGill Outdoors Club
The McGill Outdoors Cub sponsors and encourages outdoor and recreational activities in the goal of fostering an appreciation for and protection of the environment. By running outdoor trips and renting gear at cost, we serve to promote the formation of an environmentally-minded outdoor community in Montreal. We hold our meetings on the Downtown Campus, and run trips mostly throughout Quebec and the Northeastern United States.
- Email info [at]
- McGill Outdoors Club on Facebook
- McGill Outdoors Club on Instagram
PGSS Environment Committee
The PGSS Environment Committee (PEC) works with PGSS members, staff and executives on campus environmental issues. This includes monitoring PGSS’ policies relating to environmental issues, ensuring representation on university environmental committees and groups, and planning educational events for that ensure interaction on environmental issues between the PGSS and greater Montreal community.
- Email environment.pgss [at]
- PGSS Environment Committee on Facebook
- PGSS Environment Committee on Instagram
Plate Club
The Plate Club is SSMU's free dishware rental service. We provide free loans of plates, cups, bowls, wine glasses, cutlery, and more to groups and individuals in the McGill Community, with the goal of reducing the waste generated from events held on campus. In a typical semester, we prevent over 10 000 disposables from being thrown out!
- Email theplateclub [at]
- Plate Club on Facebook
Science Undergraduate Society Environment Committee (SUSEC)
The Science Undergraduate Society Environment Committee (SUSEC) is a group of undergraduate science students committed to promoting environmental awareness and improving the environmental standards and practices within McGill and the community at large. We strive to ensure that the SUS is committed to meeting its highest sustainability standards in all of its operations and events. Our largest event is the SUS’s Green Week. It is a student-run, multifaceted initiative including workshops, events and fundraisers aimed at promoting environmental awareness and sustainability. It is an opportunity for McGill students to attend various events and workshops focused on central issues pertaining to the effects of our actions on the environment.
- Email environment [at]
- SESEC on Facebook
- SUSEC on Instagram
SSMU Environment Committee
The SSMU Environment Committee provides support to students who want to get involved with sustainability on campus. The Committee facilitates coalition-building between green groups and students, promotes green events and initiatives to the campus community, and runs regular workshops to support students in their quest to develop sustainable lifestyles. McGill students can join our weekly meetings, which currently happen every Tuesday from 5:30pm-6:30pm.
- Email sustainability [at]
- SSMU Environment Committee on Facebook
Student Sustainability Network (SSN)
The SSN, coordinated by the Office of Sustainability, brings together student groups that are involved in creating a culture of sustainability at McGill.
The SSN stays connected throughout the year through email and Facebook and meets approximately once per term to share information about sustainability-related opportunities for students on campus. Join the SSN Facebook Group
Complete the McGill Student Sustainability Network form to join and stay up to date with the SSN
For questions about the SSN, email: engagement.sustainability [at]
Social Sustainability
Beyond Me
Beyond Me is a charitable, student-run McGill organization that provides single and group mentoring services for children and teenagers with special needs. We give youth and student volunteers the possibility to be paired and develop a rewarding relationship, in a fun and secure environment! We aim to engage youth and families, empower self-growth, encourage communication, enhance perception, and experience community.
- Email montrealbeyondme [at]
- Beyond Me on Facebook
HeForShe McGill is a student-run organization inspired by the UN Women Gender Equality Solidarity Movement. We are dedicated to promoting gender equality in all corners of society, starting with McGill and the greater Montreal community by spreading awareness. We provide a space where people of all genders can talk about gender equality.
- Email heforshemcgill [at]
- HeForShe McGill on Facebook
- HeForShe McGill on Instagram
Helping Hands McGill
We provide kits containing basic necessities, within reusable bags, to female patients at our CVIS clinic, Parc Ex CLSC, and the Native Women’s Shelter. We promote a culture of sustainability on campus through our Kit-Building Events, inviting our peers to join us in sourcing health and hygiene products in bulk to minimize packaging, and by using reusable bags.
- Email helpinghandsmcgill [at]
- Helping Hands McGill on Facebook
- Helping Hands McGill on Instagram
Her Campus
Her Campus McGill is the McGill branch of an international women's magazine written by and for university women. Its goal is to encourage a healthy community of women who believe in themselves and each other. As such, Her Campus tackles a wide variety of subjects, such as current sociopolitical affairs, pop culture events, and academic studies. We are interested in dedicated and ambitious female students who share our passion for writing and for strong female communities. No prior professional experience writing is required.
- Email hc.mcgill [at]
- Her Campus on Facebook
- Her Campus on Instagram
- Her Campus on Twitter
The McGill Students’ Chapter is a student initiative of, a national organization that helps defeat the stigma around mental health and promotes mental well-being. Bringing together passionate individuals from across McGill, we strive to help others find access to support, but to raise awareness about the growing reality of mental illness and its effects in our very own community.
- mscjackdotorg [at]
- McGill on Facebook
- McGill on Twitter
- McGill on Instagram
McGill Collective for Gender Equity
McGill Collective for Gender Equity supports United Nations Women by engaging students through advocacy and fundraising. We raise awareness about gender based global issues such as violence against women and girls, empowerment programs, and more. We organize panel discussions, film showings, fundraisers, and discussion groups. We support UN Women in any capacity upon the request from headquarters.
- Email genderequalitycollectivemcgill [at]
- McGill Collective for Gender Equity on Facebook
- McGill Collective for Gender Equity on Instagram
McGill Nourish International
McGill Nourish is one chapter of a student-led movement that works to forward sustainable action and environmental justice both globally and within our communities in Montreal. We plan ventures to spread awareness and education as well as raise funds; we invest 100% of those profits into different projects that we believe in every year.
- Email mcgill [at]
- McGill Nourish International on Facebook
- McGill Nourish International on Instagram
McGill Social Business Network
McGill Social Business Network promotes social innovation at McGill. We host events to provide students with access to social entrepreneurs, social intrapreneurs, social businesses, and CSR professionals. We offer consulting services for social businesses, nonprofits and social-impact related projects within corporations. We also run a social enterprise, Learning Is For Everyone, with the mission to reduce the high school drop-out rate in Montreal.
- Email mcgill.sbn [at]
- McGill Social Business Network on Facebook
- McGill Social Business Network on Twitter
- McGill Social Business Network on Instagram
Menstrual Health Project
The Menstrual Health Project seeks to provide the McGill community with free and accessible menstrual products that range from disposable pads and tampons to reusable products such as period underwear, menstrual cups, and reusable pads. We do this through monthly pick-ups on campus where products are available on a first-come first-serve basis and by filling washrooms across campus with products.
- Email menstrualhealth [at]
- Menstrual Health Project on Instagram
Our Shared Spaces
Our Shared Spaces (OSS) offers equity-centered workshops and events to all students at McGill. At its core, OSS is an educational workshop series that creates spaces in which students are empowered to foster inclusive and equitable living and learning environments on campus. By holding space for respectful dialogue, OSS supports student development and affirms the plurality of student experiences of campus life, which is integral to social sustainability.
- Email oursharedspaces [at]
- Our Shared Spaces on Facebook
- Our Shared Spaces on Instagram
Promoting Opportunities for Women in Engineering (POWE)
POWE is a philanthropic group under EUS that aims to encourage women and feminine-identifying gender minorities to join engineering by presenting the many career opportunities within the field; enlighten everyone about the contributions of women in engineering; create a safe space where women and feminine-identifying gender minorities can socialize and seek support; and promote inclusion and diversity in engineering.
QueerMcGill (QM)
QM provides support to queer students through working groups, a library, distribution of resources (safer sex supplies, gender affirming products, sustainable menstrual products), a visible presence on campus, and sustainable social activities. QM also acts as a resource for information pertaining to queer people and queer issues.
Science Undergraduate Society Social Sustainability
We are responsible for enforcing inclusivity, promoting cultural diversity, and giving underrepresented groups a voice. This committee creates events, raises awareness about social injustice, and supports equity in the science community. We have held a Disparities in Health Care webinar and a fundraiser for Welcome Collective, a Montreal-based organization that supports refugee-claimant families.
Scientista aims to empower pre-professional women in STEM through resources, mentorship and online events. We host interdisciplinary speaker series, relaxation activities and workshops. By promoting equity and accessibility to resources and opportunities, we aim to foster a culture of inclusivity and sustainability.
Students in Mind (SiM)
Students in Mind (SiM) is an annual mental health conference at McGill University organized by students, for students. Along with our annual conference, we host panels, wellness events, and more in order to foster a mentally healthy and socially sustainable community on campus.
Walking Birds
The Walking Birds promotes physical activity and sustainability across McGill with their mascot Sam the Martlet. They use strategic, evidence-based messaging and other health promotion strategies to encourage people to get moving and stay active in order to shift away from facilitated transport and sedentary lifestyle habits.
Women in Tech (WIT)
Women in Tech is a student-run club at McGill University that aims to encourage more women to reach out for jobs in the tech industry. Whether it be through networking events, coding workshops, or company tours, we want to provide all women of varying backgrounds with opportunities and skills to be able to excel in the tech world.
- Email oursharedspaces [at]
- Our Shared Spaces on Facebook
- Our Shared Spaces on Instagram
- Email powe [at]
- POWE McGill on Facebook
- POWE McGill on Instagram
- Email admin.qm [at]
- QueerMcGill on Facebook
- QueerMcGill on Instagram
- QueerMcGill Listserv
- Email ssc [at]
- Science Undergraduate Society Social Sustainability on Instagram
- Science Undergraduate Society Social Sustainability on Facebook
- Email scientista.mcgill [at]
- Scientista on Facebook
- Email studentsinmind [at]
- Students in Mind on Facebook
- Students in Mind on Instagram
- Email walkingbirds [at]
- Walking Birds on Facebook
- Walking Birds on Instagram
- Email womenintech [at]
- Women in Tech on Facebook
- Women in Tech Linktree
Economic Sustainability
Desautels Sustainability Network
The Desautels Sustainability Network (DSN) seeks to promote sustainable business on-campus, and help students envision sustainability as an opportunity. Our missions are to increase Desautels' presence within McGill's sustainability community, to build a strong local community of sustainable businesses, to make sustainability relevant to everyone, and to promote sustainability throughout Desautels.
Divest McGill
Divest McGill is an environmental justice campaign calling on McGill University to acknowledge and address the urgency of the climate crisis by divesting from the fossil fuel industry. Divest typically meets at ECOLE once a week and operates primarily on Downtown Campus.
- Email divestmcgill [at]
- Divest McGill on Facebook
- Divest McGill on Instagram
- Divest McGill on Twitter
ESG McGill
Open to all students, ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) McGill is focused on improving members’ financial literacy skills while exploring how market-based solutions can help mitigate social and climate issues. Through educational reporting, networking opportunities, and speaker events, our club seeks to promote the emerging sphere of ESG on campus.
- Email esg [at]
- ESG McGill on Facebook
- ESG McGill on Instagram
ECOLE is a model of urban sustainable living and a physical hub for the McGill and Montreal sustainability communities. Our mandate, as defined in our constitution, is to “bring together McGill students, faculty and staff and Montreal community members in the pursuit of sustainable living by means of applied student research, alternative education, and community building.”
- Email ecole.facilitators [at]
- Email ecoleproject [at]
- ECOLE on Facebook
- ECOLE on Instagram
- ECOLE on Twitter
Green Labs Initiative
The GLI at McGill promotes and supports environmental sustainability in research labs (wet labs and dry labs) across campus.
- Email [at]
- Green Labs Initiative at McGill on Facebook
Research and Sustainability Network
The Research and Sustainability Network (RSN) seeks to inform and empower students at McGill, bridging the gap between researchers in sustainability and undergraduates interested in research. Through recurring conferences, speaker series, and networking events, we aim to connect like-minded individuals within a cross-faculty network, facilitating collaboration and increasing accessibility to undergraduate research positions.
- Email rsnetwork.mcgill [at]
- RSN on Facebook
- RSN on Instagram
The Flat
The Flat is a collective that works to encourage cycling through the sharing of knowledge and tools. We have everything you need to learn how to fix your bike. All persons and bikes welcome - no experience necessary! We seek to make bicycling more accessible, provide a welcoming environment, minimize our environmental impact, and promote a sense of community.
- theflat.bikecollective [at]
- The Flat on Facebook
- The Flat on Instagram
International Development Studies Students Association (IDSS)
The International Development Studies Students Association represents all McGill students in the IDS program and to provide activities and services to enhance the educational, cultural, environmental and social conditions of its members under the principles of sustainability, accessibility, and equity.
- Email logisticsevents.idssamcgill [at]
- International Development Studies Students Association on Facebook
Junior Peacemakers
Junior Peacemakers is a branch of IRSAM that aims to nurture values of global citizenship and to foster youth activism. Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals, we offer a 6-week program to primary students in Montreal (and remotely in other North American cities), covering topics such as conflict resolution, discrimination, the climate crisis, equality and youth activism.
- Email jr.peacemakers [at]
- Junior Peacemakers on Facebook
- Junior Peacemakers on Instagram
McGill Bee Club
The McGill Bee Club maintains a small apiary on the Macdonald campus. We focus on educating students in responsible beekeeping practices. We strive to improve students' understandings of the relationship between pollinators (managed and wild) and agricultural systems. We try to prevent the "bee-washing" of pollinator health initiatives through education about other pollinators.
- Email maa.beeclub [at]
- McGill Bee Club on Facebook
McGill Energy Association
The McGill Energy Association strives to educate the McGill community about the global energy challenge. We invite a variety of speakers, such as energy investment bankers, the former CEO of Hydro Quebec and the current Deputy Minister of Energy in Alberta, to share their unique perspectives. We also host an annual industry tour of the Hydro Quebec facilities in downtown Montreal.
- Email Mmcgillenergyassociation [at]
- McGill Energy Association on Facebook
McGill Permaculture Club
The McGill Permaculture Club is for students who are curious and/or passionate about permaculture. Our objective is to increase awareness of permaculture, and to grow students’ appreciation of its benefits. We engage with the Macdonald Permaculture Showcase Garden and the Permaculture Food Forest. Club activities include workshops, farm visits, discussion groups, movie screenings, hands-on farm work, and more! We also offer internship opportunities in the garden to earn McGill credit(s).
- Email mcgillpermacultureclub [at]
- McGill Permaculture Club on Facebook
- McGill Permaculture Club on Instagram
Sustainability in Engineering At McGill (SEAM)
SEAM, Sustainability in Engineering at McGill, is a committee within the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS). We as a committee serve as a supporting platform, fostering and promoting a culture of sustainability within the Faculty of Engineering at McGill. We do this through four main efforts: events, projects, consulting work and by compiling and providing resources.
- Email seam.chair [at]
- SEAM on Facebook
- SEAM on Instagram
World University Service of Canada (WUSC)
WUSC is a non-profit international development organization that works to improve education, employment, and empowerment opportunities for youth around the world. Through the Student Refugee Program (SRP), WUSC delivers a unique youth-to-youth refugee settlement program that combines sponsorship with post-secondary education and puts Canadian institutions and students at the heart of the funding and support structure.
- Email wusc.mcgill [at]
- WUSC on Facebook
- WUSC on Instagram
- WUSC Newsletter
Global Food Security Club
The McGill Global Food Security Club (GFS) raises awareness on food security issues. The GFS club supports, shares information, and collaborates to develop a network between campuses, universities, NGOs and the general public. We do this through events, fundraisers, forums on Hidden Food Insecurity, initiatives like food collection/drives and an exhibition to break the stigma related to homelessness.
- Email mcgillgfsclub [at]
- The Global Food Security Club on Facebook
Macdonald Student-run Ecological Gardens (MSEG)
The Macdonald Student-run Ecological Gardens (MSEG) is a student-farm at Mac campus that provides fresh and local community-supported vegetable baskets to registered members and sells at farmer's markets. We also educate consumers on the realities of food production by offering guided tours of the farm and participating in sustainability talks. The McGill community can support us by promoting or registering for our baskets and volunteering to work with us on the fields during our production period (May to October)
- Email macdonaldstudentgarden [at]
- MSEG on Facebook
- MSEG on Instagram
Midnight Kitchen
Midnight Kitchen is a non-profit, worker and volunteer-run collective that operates out of Tio’tia:ke dedicated to providing accessible food to as many people as possible. We aim to provide an alternative to current capitalist, profit-driven systems of food production and distribution. We provide education on social, environmental, and food (in)justice issues, creating space for exchanging ideas within the community. MK hosts popular education workshops on various topics which are always catered with a vegan, nut-free meal.
- Email midnightkitchencollective [at]
- Midnight Kitchen on Facebook
- Midnight Kitchen on Instagra
SNAC aims to make sustainable nutrition more accessible to the McGill Community. We have 3 main initiatives: nutrition workshops, the Good Food Box, and an urban food sustainability conference. These projects focus on preventing food waste, increasing nutrition knowledge, and spreading awareness of food sustainability initiatives in Montreal.
- Email snac.mcgill [at]
- SNAC on Facebook
- SNAC on Instagram
Student Club for Animal Liberation and Ethics (SCALE)
McGill Student Club for Animal Liberation and Ethics, formerly known as the Herbivore Society for Peace and Justice, is a non-hierarchical activist group that focuses on the moral and ethical benefits of abstaining from animal products. We work to raise awareness inside and outside of the McGill community about the mistreatment of animals, and educate about the ethical and individual benefits of abstaining from animal products. We provide opportunities for vegans, and those curious about veganism, to exchange information about the ethical framework of veganism.
- Email mcgill.herbivores [at]
- SCALE on Facebook
- SCALE on Instagram