Animal Management System (AMS) Software for Protocols and Facilities

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On this page: Known Issues | User Support | Adding a person to AMS list | Species/Strain webform | Timeline of Events | User Access | Instruction Events and Material | FACC and Local Administrators | Shared Housing | Species/strains | What is Different | Template Pages | Definitions | FAQ | How-to with Screenshots

>>> For McGill University users, please contact the [at] (FACC Coordinator) if you need assistance with your protocol if it is in progress, this person administers the DOW A, DOW B and MAC FACCs. If you are a new Principal Investigator at McGill, please contact one of our animalqa.dowa [at] (Quality Assistance Advisors) to obtain help in completing and submitting your first protocol

>>> For MNI and affiliated Research Institutes, please contact your local FACC Coordinator or Local Administrator.

The new animal protocol and facility software AMS (Animal Management System), powered by tick@lab, is now live. It replaces Darwin which was permanently removed from access in the summer of 2022. Each site now has its own web page address so please select the one that you are mainly appointed in:

McGill University =

The Neuro (MNI) =


The Douglas =

The Lady Davis Institute of the JGH =

The Shriners =


Known and reported issues:

- IMPORTANT-  Not an issue but the new software uses popup windows so the first time you use it and click on a button and nothing happens, your browser will most probably have blocked the popup window. Verify the message at the top of your browser and click the option to always allow popups for this particular web site. If you start using another internet browser or computer, you may have to do this again the first time you use them.

- The Compare Version highlights more text than needed in the funding section's table

AUP Protocol Activity report display issue. A fix will be applied at the next version of the software update.

Adding a New User

If you cannot find the name of a person in the list presented to you in AMS in the Personnel section, the person's supervisor or the protocol's PI can request to have him/her added via the new user webform. Note that you cannot submit for yourself. The PI must submit for his research staff. The Manager or Supervisor must submit for their animal facility staff. The FACC Coordinator submits for committee members

User Support

If you have questions or need guidance, please contact your site's Local Administrator listed below.

To request that a new person be added to the software, please use the new user webform. Note that you cannot submit for yourself. The PI must submit for his research staff. The Manager or Supervisor must submit for their animal facility staff. The FACC Coordinator submits for committee members.

To have specific permissions assigned to a person (such as investigator, protocol editor, committee member), please request it from the appropriate Local Administrator. Local Administrators are responsible for verifying that the request is approved by the person's supervisor or Committee Chair if a new FACC member or Department Chair or Director if a PI.

To request that a new SPECIES AND/OR STRAIN be added to the list, please use the AMS Master Data Request Form for this.

Timeline of Events:

  • May 3 2022- Phase 1 - AMS goes live for all the sites.
  • July 19 2022- Phase 2 - The shared-housing feature is applied (protocol approved by the FACC of one site but animals in an animal facility of another site).
  • August 2022 - Some new features were applied which includes the ability for the PI to return a protocol or amendment to the status of 'For PI Revision' where he or someone in his staff can make edits and resubmit.

User Access:

To access AMS , follow these steps:

1- Open your internet browser and go to the web page for your own site:

McGill University =

The Neuro (MNI) =


The Douglas =

The Lady Davis Institute of the JGH =

The Shriners =

2- To log into your site’s web page, use as your login ID, your or your institutional/work email. Do not use your short username like you did in Darwin, it will not work.

If you are unable to log in, try your email address if you have one. Or another email address.

If you are still unable to login but used to be able in Darwin (the old software), check your emails (it may be in your junk mail folder) for the invite that was sent to you a few days ago from McGill University (if it doesn’t show ‘McGill University’ as the Organization name then it is not the one). The email will contain these features:

3- Follow the steps outlined in the email you received to create an account and password in Azure, including the 'Review permissions' message above. Note that McGill will not have access to any personal information.

4- If you still have issues logging into AMS, contact ams [at] for help. Please provide the email/username you used to sign up for further assistance.

Once logged in and you select 'AUP', you will be presented with all the approved protocols. You should know that:

  • People who used to have protocol managing rights in Darwin are being added to each protocol. If you need to submit an amendment or renewal urgently, contact ams [at] (AMS User Support )to have it done in priority.
  • Protocols having received an extension on the expiration date AND its original expiration date is prior to May 3: Should NOT be renewed yet. Please wait for further instructions (see the protocol file title for the details of the extension granted written in caps).
  • Protocols having an Annual Review due date of June 1st 2022: The PI must complete and submit an Annual Review before June 1st which is very soon:
  1. To start an Annual Review, click on the protocol number row. It will show its documents in indented rows.
  2. If there is one called 'Annual Review', click to open. If there is none, right-click on the approved protocol document (in the indented row), select ‘Annual Review’, click to open it and complete.
  3. Please do not forget to click the ‘Annual Review’ protocol tab inside the form on the left. It has questions and instructions specific to the Annual Review.
  4. Refer to videos for more detail instructions on completing and submitting (
  5. You may use the Annual Review to modify any protocol section that you want. The changes will be highlighted to the committee members reviewing it so no need to identify the new text.
  • In the coming days, a pdf copy of the last approved version of your protocol from Darwin will be attached to the AMS document file.

The Darwin protocols were copied to the best of the editors’ abilities but there will be times when errors or misconception happened. PIs must review the AMS version of their protocols and, if any correction is needed, submit an amendment to the FACC.

More information:

Web page for general information about the software

How-to videos, recording of Question & Answer sessions posted here:

Knowledge Base (KB) page about accessing your account:


Instruction Events and Material:

There was a series of training events offered in May and June shortly after the go-live of May 3rd. Now, users rely on Local Administrators to answer questions and resolve issues. Local Administrators rely on ACO for assistance if needed. 

To find out what you will be doing in the new software via the ROLE AND PERMISSIONS matrix. For some roles, it is easy to know (researchers and committee member roles) but for many other roles such as Local Administrators and animal facility staff, it helps to know which part of the software you need to know and which roles this translates to. Open the file below, look at the first 4 columns to see the software's functionalities, and determine which role(s) give access to them (last columns). 

FileAMS Roles and Permissions Matrix_v2

The TRAINING VIDEOS are located here:

  • Video - Basics 
  • Video #1 - Request & Order 
  • Video #2 - Delivery & Identification 
  • Video #4 - Animal Management (Experimental Stock
  • Video #5 - Cage Management 
  • Video #6 - Task Management & Cases 
  • Video #9 - Billing 
  • Video #12 - User Training Request 
  • Video #20 - Inspections - Under development, expected soon
  • Video - Breeding 
  • Video AUP1 - Creating & Submitting a New Protocol 
  • Video AUP2 - Protocol Renewals and Amendments 
  • Video AUP3 - Protocol Review Process 
  • Video AUP4 - PI Revision of a Protocol 
  • Video AUP5 - Protocol Approval Process 
  • Video AUP6 - Trick & Tips 

FACC and Local Administrators:

To have specific permissions assigned to a person (such as investigator, protocol editor, or committee member), please request it from the appropriate Local Administrator. Local Administrators are responsible for verifying that the request is approved by the person's supervisor or Committee Chair if a new FACC member or Department Chair or Director if a PI.

McGill University (Downtown Campus A and B as well as Macdonald Campus FACCs): 

Email the [at] (FACC Coordinator) for Animal Use Protocol (AUP) related matters (includes the DOW A, DOW B and MAC FACCs) for protocols and amendments in progress. If you are a new researcher, please ask the [at] (FACC Coordinator )to get you in touch with the right Quality Assistance Advisor,. who will walk you through it.

Email ams [at] (AMS Support) for user permissions.

For inquiries for CMARC (Downtown Campus animal facilities and SARU on Macdonald Campus), go to this web page.

The Neuro (MNI):

Email the acc.mni [at] (FACC Coordinator) for Animal Use Protocol (AUP) related matters.

Email acc.mni [at] (this person) for animal care committee related user permissions. If unavailable, the backup is compliance.mni [at] (this person).

Email to madeleine.arkilanian [at] (this person )for animal facility management (e.g. card management), financial & billing matters and animal orders. If unavailable, the backup is gaudia.guerra [at] (this person).

Research Institute of the MUHC (Glen and MGH FACCs):

Email the facc.admin [at] (FACC Coordinator) for Animal Use Protocol (AUP) related matters.

Email RI.AMS [at] (RI AMS) for animal orders, financials & billing and facility management (e.g. card management) matters.

Douglas Mental Health Institute:

Email thetara.thomson.comtl [at] ( FACC Coordinator) for Animal Use Protocol (AUP) related matters as well as updating the permissions for users. 

Email the guylaine.gadoury.comtl [at] (Facility Manager) for animal facility (e.g. card management), animal orders, financial & billing matters.

Lady Davis Institute of the SMBD JGH:

Email the darleen.element [at] (FACC Coordinator) for Animal Use Protocol (AUP) related matters.

Email the darleen.element [at] (FACC Coordinator) for financials & billing matters.

Email the yvhans.chery [at] (Facility Manager) for animal orders and facility management (e.g. card management) matters

Shriners Hospitals for Children:

Email the facc.admin [at] (FACC Coordinator) for Animal Use Protocol (AUP) related matters.

Email the pmoffatt [at] (FACC Chair) for facility management matters.

Email the messer [at] (Facility Manager) for animal orders.

Shared Housing

Shared Housing is about housing or using animals at McGill or a McGill-affiliated institute other than the site which approved your protocol. Home site = Site where the protocol is approved. Host site = Location other than those under the site where the protocol is approved. Sites = Our program has the following 6 sites: McGill University (MCGL-), MUHC Research Institute (MUHC-), the CNDM (MNI-), Douglas Mental Health University Institute (DOUG-), Lady Davis Institute of the JGH (JGH-) and the Shriners Hospitals for Children (SHRN-). 

The AMS application for shared housing will be launched in Phase 2. The anticipated timeline for go-live is the end of June 2022. To communicate an order request to house animals at an external McGill or McGill-affiliated institute (Host site), please contact the Host site’s Local Administrator by selecting the appropriate link below.

And be sure to include the following information:

  • PI Name
  • Protocol number
  • Project Code (Account number)
  • Species
  • Strain
  • Number of animals, sex, age/weight, and any specifications
  • Vendor name and catalog number (if possible)
  • Person responsible for the order
  • Animal Facility

Local Administrators per site:

  • animalbuyer.cmarc [at] (McGill University- Comparative Medicine Resource Animal Centre (CMARC))
  • madeleine.arkilanian [at] (MNI-Centre of Neurological Disease Models (CNDM))
  • yvhans.chery [at] (JGH-Lady Davis Institute Animal Quarters)
  • guylaine.gadoury.comtl [at] (Douglas Hospital Animal facility)
  • ri.ams [at] (McGill University Health Centre Research Institute)
  • messer [at] (Shriners Hospital-1) or pmoffatt [at] (Shriners Hospital-2)

Species and Strains:

Changes to the species and strain lists were necessary to reduce the extensive list of mouse strains and accommodate the breeding module.

The species lists were renamed to correspond with the list used by the CCAC for the annual Animal Use Data Form.

Revisions were done in consultation with breeding experts across the McGill community, and with reference to the JaxMGI (Mouse Genome Informatics)RGD (Rat Genome database), and IMSR (International Mouse Strain Resource) web resources:

  • Removal of redundant strain names (variations with lower- and upper-case letters, underscores, etc.)
  • Removal of genotype from the strain nomenclature. Genes and Genotypes will be available in a separate section of the software. (See section below)

For missing or variations in the strain name(s) that do not correspond to your protocol, refer to the 'Strain LIST FOR Protocol Editors' to compare the Darwin name with the replacement and AMS version:

FileStrain List for Protocol Editors

To add a new strain:

-- Refer to the guidelines set by the International Committee on Standardized Genetic Nomenclature for Mice.
-- Complete and submit the AMS Master Data Request Form



Genotypes will be managed separately from the strain names and are primarily associated with the breeding module.

As this is a newly available feature, it will take some time and effort to build this master data.
Given the volume and complexity of strain nomenclatures and certain, genes and genotypes could not be created during the population of master data.

The Genotype feature is not mandatory for the basic use of the breeding module but will be necessary if using its full functionality (e.g., genotyping), therefore you will be asked to provide the gene and genotypes, as well as other specifics when submitting a request to add a new strain.

To indicate the desired genotype when placing an AMS animal order request, simply indicate the specifications in the ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATION field of the order form

What is Different in AMS Compared to the Old Software:

  • Login is done with the institutional email address, not the short username.
  • Protocols now have a 4-years full renewal cycle instead of 3 years.
  • Approval date is the day it gets final approval, not the 1st of the month.
  • Expiration is the end date after 4 years, not the due date for the Annual Review.
  • There is no 'full renewal', the protocol is 'duplicated' by the researcher which means it is copied from the expiring protocol and submitted as as new protocol to the FACC. A new protocol number will be automatically-assigned but this will be changed to the old number at final approval time.
  • The protocol number changed to have the site's acronym added in front of the 4 digit protocol number. (the old 4-digit number was dropped). This will helps identify which protocol was approved by which FACC.
  • The user can make some changes to his/her own profile information, such as adding phone numbers in the software (under Master Data, Users). Training records can also be viewed.
  • There are no role switching, the functionality presented to you depends on the permissions assigned by your Local Administrator.
  • Different sites have different web page addresses.

Templates to Upload as Attachment to a Protocol:

FileStrain List for AUP Species Section - Template

FileSurgery List for AUP Study Segment Section - Template

FileHazards List for AUP Safety and Hazards Section - Template



ACO approval: Status of a protocol, amendment or Annual Review waiting for the Animal Compliance Office to finalize approval after FACC review, Chair and Training Advisor signoff. This is done once all requirements have been double-checked, which includes quorum, peer review for scientific/pedagogical merit, protocol number change if a full renewal, 

Annual Review: One year after approval, an update is given to the FACC by completing the Annual Review form that will appear 60 days prior to the due date. There are a few questions specific to the Annual Review (a tab will appear at the top on the left when inside the Annual Review form). An Annual Review is needed every year until expiration (4 years minus one day after the protocol's start/approval date.

Attachment: You can upload a document (Word, pdf, image, etc) to a protocol from inside the protocol section itself when completing a protocol or amendment or Annual Review. This is done by clicking the 'Attachments' button at the top which will open a popup that lets you select the document (via 'Browse'), upload and give a short description. Don't forget to click the '+Add' button AND the 'Apply to document' button. This will upload and link the document to the protocol section you were in. A paperclip will be displayed next to the protocol section's name to advertise its presence to readers.

Catalog and Catalog(NG): These are lists of items that feed the choices presented to the user. Local Administrators have access to almost all of them and can modify as needed. The '(NG)' means 'New Generation' so when you want to modify a Catalog, go to the Catalog(NG) first and modify that one. If there is none for what you want, go to 'Catalog' to find it.

Check-out/ Check-In: In most cases, when the researcher or the FACC Coordinator wants to make changes to a protocol or amendment or Annual Review, the document is in a edit-protected status. You will notice that the answer fields are greyed out and you cannot change the answers or add/remove names in the Personnel section and for the Coordinator, in the FACC Review section. To enable edits, select the option of 'Check-out' when clicking the 'Action' button at the top. This will enable you to make changes UNLESS the document is in a status that cannot allow you to do so. For example, if the FACC is reviewing a protocol, the researcher can open the protocol but cannot edit until the FACC sends it back to him/her. Once the changes or name changes are done, do not forget to select 'Save & Check-In' when clicking the 'Action' button at the top.

Closed: DO NOT USE THIS STATUS. It will terminate the entire protocol file. The researcher would need to duplicate the file and start everything from scratch.

Compare version: This is what you use to compare different versions of the protocol. It is not only a new version after every Annual Review but also a new version after every amendment. The changes are highlighted by having a yellow box around the protocol sections itself and in the popup, the new text is green coloured and the deleted text in red strike-through colour.

Designated Member: These are the people that the FACC Coordinator chose to review the protocol or amendment or Annual Review. There are FACC members as well as other pertinent office representatives such as the Health & Safety Officer or Grants Officer or Radiation Officer.

Disapproved: This is a workflow status that the FACC Coordinator gives a protocol or amendment that needs to be cancelled. 

Expiration: Is the end of the 4-year length of time of a protocol. It is not the Annual Review due date.

FACC Administrative Review: The protocol or amendment or Annual Review is waiting for the FACC to take action.

Filters: Some screens have a feature that will only show a subset of items instead of everything. For example: the default filter in the protocol homepage is the one called 'In Progress'. This will show the Document Files that have one amendment or Annual Review or new protocol that was started but not yet approved. The filter called 'In Use' is the one that will show currently approved protocols, to be used to start an amendment if needed.

For my DM Review: Status of a protocol, amendment or Annual Review waiting for my review as FACC member or office representative such as the Health & Safety Officer or Grants Officer or Radiation Officer.

For my signature: Status of a protocol, amendment or Annual Review waiting for my signature as FACC Chair or Training Advisor and be sent back to the FACC.

For PI Revision (sent by FACC): The protocol or amendment or Annual Review is waiting for the researcher to revise as per FACC recommendations and submit back.

In Progress: Is the name of a filter which is the default one when on the AUP main page. It only allows displaying the list of protocols that have a pending document such as being a new protocol or having an amendment or Annual Review in the process of being reviewed and revised.

In Use: Is the name of a filter in the AUP main page which only displays the list of protocols that have no pending documents (no unapproved protocol or amendment or Annual Review in progress.

Local Administrator: Every site has a few people who can change settings, give permissions to users and such. The FACC Coordinator is one and animal facilities will have a few people in charge of the different aspect of the software.

Permissions: Set of functionalities related to a specific role. For example, someone who becomes a new FACC member will need the Committee permission. And someone who is authorized by a Principal Investigator to complete and edit protocols will need the Investigator permission.

Protocol Document: This is a single document which can be a protocol, or an amendment, or an Annual Review. A 'Protocol File' will have one or more 'Protocol Documents'. These documents are displayed as indented rows under the main 'Document File'.

Protocol File: This is the folder with all the documents related to a particular protocol. It can have an approved protocol with or without an amendment or Annual Review. When a protocol is expiring, the 'full renewal' is actually the creation of a 'Duplicate' new 'Protocol File' for the next 4-year cycle. The content of the old expiring protocol is copied into the new one but a new number is assigned initially (to be changed to the old number at final approval time).

Publish: As are reviewer or FACC Coordinator, when you write a comment in the popup of the Review button, the first time making a comment for that protocol section will have the 'Publish' button which will save and start a thread for other members to see. The Back button will let you go back without saving anything in that protocol section.

Status: The workflow state a protocol or amendment or Annual Review is in. it can be: Draft, Initiated, Approved, Amendment, Annual Review, For FACC Administrative Review, For PI Revision (sent by the FACC), Expired, For Signature, For ACO Approval, Terminated...

Version: For a protocol, it is the content of the different versions which changes after every Annual Review and also after every amendment. For example, a protocol that was created, then had 2 amendments in its first year, then an Annual Review, then 1 amendment, then an Annual Review will have a total of 5 different versions. 

Workflow: This is the itinerary from the initial status of a protocol or amendment or Annual Review to the next status in the approval process. For example, a new protocol starts by being a Draft, goes to the FACC, then goes to committee members and others when applicable, then back to the researcher for changes if needed, then back to the FACC, then goes to the Chair and Training Advisor for signoff then finally to the ACO for final approval processing. To push to the next step, we use the 'Workflow' button except for the original protocol submitted by the Principal Investigator (when signing off it automatically goes to the FACC).


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

We suggest that you use the keyword search feature of your browser to find what you need (usually by pressing on the 'CTRL' key and using the 'F' key on your keyboard).

Are the protocols still approved from the 1st of the month to expire the last day of the month?
No. The protocol is valid on the first day it gets final approval and ends 4 years later minus one day. At each 1 year period, an Annual Review is due.
For example:
- A protocol gets approved on April 12 2022;
- It needs an Annual Review before April 12 2023;
- Another Annual review before April 12 2024;
- Another Annual Review before April 12 2025;
- Protocol expires on April 11 2026. If want to continue, must create a Duplicate file to start a new 4-year round of approval.

Can there be more than one amendment at the same time? No. The act of amending is to edit the currently approved protocol. There can only be one draft version with changes. Otherwise, approval of amendment #2 would overwrite what was in amendment #1 that got approved first. Note that in Annual Reviews, you can edit any protocol section that you want.

Can I submit an amendment at the same time as the Annual Review? No. Note that the Annual Review permits you to make changes to any protocol section that you want so you can submit one application that has all the changes and reporting you need.

I made a change to the building and room part in 'Location Assignment' of the 'Animal Husbandry/Housing' protocol section and all the room type previously entered disappeared, why? This is a glitch which the software company is working at fixing. In the meantime, just re-enter the room type and save that page.

I keep clicking a link and nothing happens, why? Either it's the first time you log into the software from that computer and you have not allowed popups (you would see a message from your internet browser at the top informing you of its blocking it. You must tell your browser to allow popups for this software).
Or, you are trying unsuccessfully to type but the answers are greyed out and you clicking buttons does nothing and you are sure you should be able to edit. You probably need to 'Check out' the protocol. To do so, click on the 'Action' button at the top and select 'Check-out'. This is a safety feature to prevent other people from editing at the same time (the FACC Coordinator can edit your protocol directly). Once clicked, you should be able to make edit. Please remember to 'Save & Check-in' once you are done.

Can the FACC Coordinator do some edits on my protocol? Yes, if you are having issues or need assistance, the FACC Coordinator can edit your protocol directly.

As a committee member or reviewer, how to I get to put my comments? Open the protocol/amendment/annual review (not the Document File). Once inside the protocol, click the button 'Review' at the top. The popup window will permit you to enter comments. You can keep the popup open and go from one protocol section to another. When in a protocol section, the comment 'title' will automatically display the popup's protocol section's name. Just type your comment, click publish/save for your comment to be added. Note that others may have already put the same comment so if there are some, click that item to open and read it. Once the review is done, click 'Back to overview' at the top to get to your homepage. For the protocol you have just reviewed, right-click on the tiny note in the narrow 1st column, selecting 'Edit Comment', type 'Done' next to your initials and do not forget to SAVE and close. This will let both the Coordinator and you know you have finished reviewing this protocol.

What happens if my protocol expired? There cannot be any activities under this protocol anymore (no amendments, no animal orders, no cage card produced from breeding...). There is no choice but to duplicate the expired protocol and submit it to the FACC for approval. To duplicate, search the expired protocol using the filter feature in your protocol homepage, on the Document File (not protocol), right-click and select 'Duplicate'. An exact copy is made and you must revise the protocol where needed and submit to the FACC.

How to I switch roles? You do not switch from one role to another such as from a PI role to a committee member role. Your profile is assigned 'permissions' by the Local Administrator (usually the FACC Coordinator for your site). When you become a committee member, the 'committee' permission is assigned to you and you will see the different functions you need to perform those tasks.

How do I switch site? Every site has its own copy of the software and as such, has its own internet address (URL):
McGill University (Downtown Campus A, Downtown Campus B and Macdonald Campus FACCs) 
The Neuro (MNI FACC) 
Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (Glen site and Montreal General Hospital (MGH) FACCs) 
Lady Davis Institute of the SMBD Jewish General Hospital 
Douglas Mental Health University Institute 
Shriners Hospitals for Children 

Do I use my short username to log into AMS? No, the new AMS software will use your institutional email address and password (or, if you are not a McGill employee or student, use the email you gave when creating the Microsoft account with your own password. The short username will never be used.

I added a room under Home Location and it erased the Room Types of all the other previously selected bldg/rooms, what am I doing wrong? Nothing. There is a glitch in the software which the vendor is looking at fixing. The estimated date of when this will be resolved is not yet known. Please reenter the Room Types before submitting to the FACC.

I just created a Duplicate of my protocol which is expiring soon to be the full renewal but the software gave it a new protocol number, what can I do to keep the same number? There is nothing for you to do, at final approval, the old number will replace the new (temporary) number as long as you supplied the protocol number number in the protocol tab 'General Information' for the part 'Project Continuance'. If you forgot to supply it, inform the FACC coordinator if this new protocol was not yet approved. If already approved, contact ams [at] (AMS Support) to explain and have it changed to the old expiring protocol number.

Can the FACC coordinator make some changes for me in the protocol or amendment I just submitted? Yes, contact the coordinator and make the request. 

I just selected to Duplicate an expiring protocol but nothing happens, what am I doing wrong? While in the AUP homepage with the filter set to 'In Use'. you right-clicked your mouse on the expiring protocol file and selected 'Duplicate'. You will not see the new protocol file on THAT page because the new protocol file is created as a draft and the filter only allows 'In Use' protocols (approved, nothing pending) to show. Please change the filter to 'In Progress'. The newly created protocol file will have a new protocol number (to be changed at final approval to be the old protocol number). Please open the draft protocol, revise as needed making sure you put the old protocol number under 'Project Continuance' in the 'General Information' protocol tab so that it gets changed back to that number at final approval.

How do I do a full renewal of an expiring protocol? There is no full renewal form. A protocol's cycle is approval, 3 yearly Annual Reviews and then expires after 4 years minus one day. If you want to continue with this project, you need to create a new protocol file. For the content of the expiring protocol to be copied in the new submission, you do a 'Duplicate'. To do so, change your AUP homepage filter to 'In Use' to have all your currently approved protocol. Right-click on the protocol that will expire soon and select 'Duplicate'. A copy of the protocol file was made but is not appearing on the page you are currently in because your filter is set to 'In Use' protocols and the new one is only a draft. So change your filter to 'In Progress'. You will see a protocol file with the same protocol title as your old expiring one. There is a new protocol number given to it but this will be changed at final approval. Open the protocol, update as needed, make sure the old expiring protocol number is in the 'Project Continuance' section in the 'General Information' protocol tab. Submit to the FACC. 

I keep making selections in popup windows but they never get saved to the main protocol, why? Most popups require clicking another button to make the selections (usually put under the blue bar in the bottom of the popup) to be copied to the main protocol. The button's label will be 'Apply current selection', or 'Apply to protocol'.

What does the red arrow mean in the narrow column on the left of the protocol title in the AUP homepage? It means that someone has checked-out the protocol. This person may be working on it or may have forgotten to check it back in. The check out and in is the act of editing a protocol by the PI and his staff or the Coordinator to add reviewer names. To know who has checked out the protocol, just use the gear and pencil icon on the top right of the list. Check the box for 'Checked out by' and the name of the person will be in the new column. If the arrow is green, it means you are the one that checked the protocol out.

Where can I find my Animal Certificate (letter saying protocol is approved, one per year issued)? The Animal Certificate letter is issued for every year that a protocol is valid. The ACO creates it at final approval of a renewal. It is then put as an attachment to the protocol file. If you mouse right-click on the protocol file's paperclip icon (on the left of the protocol file title) and select 'Edit Attachment', you will be able to download the Animal Certificate when clicking on the name in the popup window.

How can I cancel an amendment or Annual Review? There is no cancel button. The amendment or Annual Review must be sent by the FACC Coordinator to the researcher via the workflow option 'For PI Revision (sent by FACC)'. Once in that status, both the PI and the FACC Coordinator can select the option of 'Withdrawn' from the Workflow button. This will remove the amendment and Annual Review and the protocol reverts to the version prior to the attempted changes.


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