Post Approval Monitoring Program

A black mouse in gloved hands

McGill University is committed to the protection of animal subjects involved in teaching and research. In support of this commitment, the Post Approval Monitoring Program aims to work in collaboration with, and in support of research and teaching staff members as a collegial approach to achieving regulatory compliance. It serves to review procedures, educate researchers on best practices and facilitate the scientific needs of the researcher. In addition to animal welfare, the Post Approval Monitoring Program also encompasses safe work practices, animal importation, biosafety, as well as controlled substance regulations.

The specific obligations of the Quality Assistance Program

  • Ensure animal well-being.
  • Ensure adherence to the Animal Use Protocol.
  • Ensure compliance with McGill and CCAC regulations, policies and guidelines.
  • Serve as a resource for the research and teaching community.
  • Identify educational and training needs.
  • Identify strengths and needs for refinement within McGill’s Animal Care and Use Program.
  • Keep the Facility Animal Care Committees informed of animal-based activities.

McGill University Campus-Specific Quality Assistance Program

Specific to McGill University campuses, Downtown and Macdonald, the 3 Animal Care Committees have a PDF iconPolicy on Quality Assistance Program for McGill ACCs related to the implementation of the Quality Assistance Program. The timeline for the execution of corrective measures corresponds to the classified risk level as defined in the PDF iconDefinitions of Recommendations for McGill Quality Assistance Program - Dec 2022


For McGill University *ONLY* 

For concerns about the care and use of animals or about procedural or ethical breaches, contact:

All allegations will be discreetly investigated.

Coordinates of Quality Assistant Advisors

For additional information on the Quality Assistance Program and its processes, please visit the following related links or send your questions/comments to the appropriate Quality Assistance Advisor*.

  • McGill University, Downtown and Macdonald Campuses: [at] (Quality Assistance Advisor)
  • Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI): compliance.mni [at] (Compliance Officer) | For more information, please visit the MNI Web site.

CCAC requirement to report all major incidents of animal welfare or non-compliance within 14 days of its occurrence

A major animal welfare incident refers to an event that leads to the unanticipated death of research, teaching and testing animals, or poses an immediate and significant threat to animal health or welfare. A major incident can refer to a:

  • catastrophic failure of critical life support system(s) that leads to the death of research, teaching or testing animals, or poses a significant threat to animal health or welfare;
  • disregard of, or unintended failure to follow, practices or procedures that leads to the death of research, teaching or testing animals, or poses a significant threat to animal health or welfare;
  • significant and unanticipated morbidity or mortality unrelated to the above; or;
  • serious or continuous noncompliance with CCAC standards that leads to the suspension by the animal care committee or the institution of an animal-based activity that threatens animal health or welfare.

Please ensure that all major incidents are immediately reported to the Veterinarian and/or ACC Chair as well as remind your research/teaching team members of the importance of following the approved animal protocol and applicable SOPs as well as report to the appropriate person all major incidents promptly.

For more information, consult item 4 in the CCAC Frequently Asked Questions of their policy on Certification of Animal Ethics and Care Programs.

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