Pension plan annual meeting

Notice of Annual Meeting 

The next Annual Meeting of Members of the McGill University Pension Plan will be held in a hybrid format on June 6, 2024 at noon.  Members may register to attend online or attend in person in room 1041 of 680 Sherbrooke Street West (space is limited).  This meeting will be held for the purposes of:

  1. tallying and announcing the voting results - continuance of voting procedures;
  2. announcing the election results - academic and administrative & support staff representatives
  3. receiving the financial report of the McGill University Pension Plan for the year ended December 31, 2023 and the Independent Auditors' Report thereon;
  4. receiving the stewardship report of the Pension Administration Committee;
  5. receiving the investment performance report of the McGill University Pension Plan for the year ended December 31, 2023; and
  6. conducting such other business as shall be properly brought before the assembly.

This meeting will be held virtually.  For members attending online registration, which is required, will be provided and shall be restricted to active and non-active members of the plan, including beneficiaries.  

John D’Agata
Secretary, Pension Administration Committee

PDF icon Highlights of the annual meeting held June 6, 2024

PDF icon Slides of the annual meeting held June 6, 2024



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