ECE Professor Tal Arbel recently presented research at the “AI and the Future of Cancer Research” (From the Goodman Cancer Research Centre’s Public Lecture Series)....
The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering would like to introduce Boris Vaisband, Assistant Professor, joining us from the University of California, Los Angeles. Professor Vaisband...
The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering would like to introduce two new Assistant Professors: Professor Marcello Colombino, Ph.D. ETH Zurich will be joining the Systems and Control...
Congratulations to ECE Graduate Catherine Vanasse Grosdidier on being awarded one of the two Governor General's Silver Medal at this year's graduation ceremony. The Medal is bestowed upon the...
Congratulations to ECE Professor Peter Caines, who was awarded the Distinguished James McGill Professor award, which recognizes outstanding and original late-career researchers of world-class...
Professor Tal Arbel of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering spoke to the plenary session at the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Conference (ISMRM 2019). ...
Congratulations to Durham Abric (McGill SE undergraduate student) who won the Best Student Presentation award of the Mining Challenge track at the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mining...
A recent study, “A bibliometric assessment of software engineering scholars and institutions (2010–2017)” has recognized Professor Shane McIntosh as a “Rising Star”, ranking him second for the 2015...
Congratulations to PhD candidate Farhad Shokraneh for receiving the Best Paper Award at the Asia Communications and Photonics Conference in October 2018. The paper, entitled “A 4x4 Reconfigurable...