Two McGill-led climate change mitigation projects receive funding from the New Frontiers in Research Fund’s (NFRF) International Joint Initiative for Research in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Competition. Thirteen researchers receive grants through the NFRF Exploration Competition.

Classified as: climate change, whales, food security, coastal, community
Published on: 5 Jun 2024

The name of a new global food security hub at McGill might be a mouthful, but the students behind it are confident their work will help get food into the mouths of people who need it.

“We want to be a place where students can get hands-on experience advocating for solutions,” said Efrata Woldeyohanes, the undergraduate student leading the recently launched Margaret A. Gilliam Institute for Global Food Security Student Nexus.

Classified as: Sustainability, global food security, student initiatives, Student groups, food security, Margaret A Gilliam Institute for Global Food Security
Published on: 9 Mar 2023

Plant diseases don’t stop at national borders and miles of oceans don’t prevent their spread, either. That’s why plant disease surveillance, improved detection systems, and global predictive disease modeling are necessary to mitigate future disease outbreaks and protect the global food supply, according to a team of researchers in a new commentary published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Classified as: Plants, crops, pandemics, plant diseases, disease, outbreaks, food security, food supply, Sustainability, Graham MacDonald
Published on: 21 May 2021

Bioresource Engineering professor Michael Ngadi has spent his career trying to help solve some of the world’s most pervasive food problems. Recently, Ngadi and his research team traveled to remote communities in Bolivia, Laos, Zambia, Malawi and Ethiopia to examine elements of the local diets, assess their nutritional status, and build programs that would introduce nutrient-dense foods into local cuisines.

Classified as: food security, global nutrition
Published on: 18 Feb 2021

Inter-provincial survey gauges how Canadians have accessed food during the pandemic and their perceptions of food systems

Shopping anxiety, higher food prices and individual income limitations are some of the factors making access to food challenging for Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study suggests.

Classified as: covid-19, food security, Daiva Nielsen, School of Human Nutrition, food access
Published on: 18 Dec 2020

Kate Sinclair is working at the World Food Programme, Sri Lanka while simultaneously finishing her PhD in Human Nutrition at McGill

December 10, was a typical day at the office for Kate Sinclair… Kind of, but not really. Not by a long shot.

Classified as: Nobel Peace Prize, global nutrition, food security, Kate Sinclair
Published on: 18 Dec 2020

Shopping anxiety, higher food prices and individual income limitations are some of the factors making access to food challenging for Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study suggests.

Researchers conducted an online inter-provincial survey with residents of B.C., Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces during the first wave of COVID-19. The survey assessed how the pandemic affected food access and behaviour in each region and how perceptions regarding the food systems may have been altered.

Classified as: News release, Daiva Nielsen, School of Human Nutrition, food security, food systems, covid-19
Published on: 18 Dec 2020

This year represents the first ever observance of the International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste. The COVID-19 pandemic continues generating significant challenges to food security in many countries. These challenges include disruptions in supply chains, quarantine measures, and the closure of much of the hospitality industry and schools. All these measures have resulted in a loss of markets for producers and distributors, making the situation even more challenging. (United Nations)

Classified as: McGill experts, United Nations, Food waste, agri-food, food security, Sustainability, sustainable development, School of Human Nutrition, farm management, food & sustainability
Published on: 28 Sep 2020

"Our food supply chain is a highly efficient mature system, but it has been knocked off balance by the crisis... In a way, we went from being on cruise control to hitting traffic."

In recent days, we’ve seen major meat processing plants shutting down because of COVID-19 outbreaks. Farmers are struggling because foreign workers can’t come into the country to plant or harvest crops. Are Canadians facing shortages and rising prices at the grocery store?

Classified as: covid-19, food supply, food security
Published on: 14 May 2020

If China is to achieve its target of 95% grain self-sufficiency by 2030 it will need to restrict the conversion of arable land to other uses say researchers from McGill. This may prove challenging in a country with a population of almost 1.4 billion, but with just under 13% of arable land, close to half of which is suffering from soil degradation. After analyzing the potential impacts of various current trade-related food policies, the researchers have arrived at the conclusion that the current Red Line arable land protection policy is insufficient to reach the government’s desired goal.

Classified as: economy, China, Research, Grain, food security
Published on: 7 Jun 2018

Today at a press conference in Quebec City, the Institut Nordique du Quebec (INQ) announced three Northern Research Chairs, as well as a newly recruited Science and Innovation Director, Louis Fortier.

Classified as: conservation, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Macdonald Campus, food security, Northern Research, wildlife
Published on: 1 Nov 2016

Margaret A. Gilliam Fellowship recipient June Po is a PhD candidate in the Department of Natural Resource Sciences; June works on food security, focusing on the relationships between food security and women’s access to land resources in dryland Kenya. In early 2015, she returned to the rural communities in Kenya to report her research findings to smallholder farmers. This effort has so far been extremely valuable, as she learned multiple ways of translating research into practice.

Classified as: Research, global food security, food security, land resources, Kenya, nutritional security
Published on: 27 Sep 2016

Is biodiverse agriculture an anachronism?  Or is it a vital part of a food-secure future?

Classified as: biodiversity, agriculture, food security, nutrition, smallholder
Published on: 15 Feb 2014
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