Congratulations to Samer Faraj, Professor in Strategy and Organization, who has been named CTO 2022 Distinguished Scholar by the Communication, Digital Technology and Organization - CTO (A Division of the Academy of Management - AOM).

Professor Samer Faraj was named the 2022 Distinguished Scholar for the Communications Digital Technology and Organization (CTO) Division at the Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting which took place August 5th to 9th in Seattle, Washington.

Classified as: Samer Faraj, Strategy and Organization (T)
Published on: 29 Aug 2022

Congratulations to Paolo V. Leone, Saku Mantere and Samer Faraj, whose paper “Open Theorizing in Management and Organization Studies” has been named Best Article Finalist by the Academy of Management (AOM).

Classified as: Paolo V Leone, Saku Mantere, Samer Faraj, Strategy and Organization (T)
Published on: 29 Aug 2022

Congratulations to Amandine Ody-Brasier, Associate Professor in Organizational Behaviour, whose paper "Deviance as a Means to Build a Legitimate Career: Evidence from the EDM Industry” has been named 2022 Carolyn B. Dexter Award Finalist at the Annual Meeting Program Awards of the Academy of Management (AOM).

Classified as: Amandine Ody-Brasier, Organizational Behaviour (T)
Published on: 29 Aug 2022

Congratulations to Seung Hwan (Peter) Oh, Assistant Professor in Accounting, who has been awarded the 2022-2023 FRQSC New Academics Grant (Soutien à la recherche pour la relève professorale) for his project titled “How Do You Want to Evaluate Your CEO? The Role of Subjective Evaluation when Objective Indicators Malfunction” (“Comment souhaitez-vous évaluer votre chef de la direction? Rôle de l’évaluation subjective en présence d’indicateurs objectifs inefficaces”).

Classified as: Peter Seung Hwan Oh, Accounting (T)
Published on: 26 Aug 2022

Congratulations to Changseung Yoo, Assistant Professor, Bensadoun School of Retail Management with affiliation to Information Systems Area, who has been awarded the 2022-2023 FRQSC New Academics Grant (Soutien à la recherche pour la relève professorale) for his project titled “Social Media Content Creation Strategies and Engagement During Disasters” (“Stratégies de création de contenu et de mobilisation pour les médias sociaux pendant les catastrophes”).

Classified as: Changseung Yoo, Bensadoun School of Retail Management, Information Systems (T)
Published on: 26 Aug 2022

Congratulations to Anna Kim, Associate Professor in Strategy & Organization, whose paper "No time like the present: How a present time perspective can foster sustainable development” is the winner of the 2022 “Responsible Research in Management” Award, sponsored by the Academy of Management (AOM) Fellows and co-sponsored by Responsible Research in Business and Management. 

Classified as: Anna Kim, Strategy and Organization (T), Sustainability, Sustainability (R)
Published on: 12 Jul 2022

Congratulations to Maxime Cohen, Professor of Retail and Operations Management, winner of the 2022 MSOM Young Scholar Prize, awarded by Manufacturing and Service Operations Management - MSOM Society of INFORMS.

Classified as: Maxime Cohen, Operations Management (T), retail, Bensadoun School of Retail Management
Published on: 12 Jul 2022

Congratulations to Daphne Demetry, Assistant Professor of Strategy & Organization, whose paper "The New Food Truck In Town: Geographic Communities and Authenticity-Based Entrepreneurship" won the 2022 Ralph Gomory Best Industry Studies Paper Award by the Industry Studies Association (ISA).

Classified as: Daphne Demetry, Strategy and Organization (T)
Published on: 11 Jul 2022

On Friday, May 13, members of the Desautels Faculty of Management gathered to celebrate the innovative and impactful research conducted by its scholars. 

Fifteen professors were on hand to deliver two-minute presentations of their most interesting and research.

Before jumping into the presentations, Dean Yolande Chan took the time to highlight this year's Desautels Faculty Scholar awardees. Congratulations to this year's awardees!

Classified as: Research, Research Events, Robert David, Yichuan (Daniel) Ding, Warut Khern-am-nuai, Hongping Tan, Emmanuelle Vaast, Demetrios Vakratsas, Javad Nasiry, Mehmet Gumus, Kunsoo Han, Anna Kim, Anisha Ghosh, finance, Information Systems, operations management, Marketing, Accounting, Strategy & Organization
Published on: 20 May 2022

Congratulations to Patrick Augustin, Associate Professor of Finance, who received the Bank of Canada Governor’s Award.

Classified as: Patrick Augustin, finance
Published on: 4 Apr 2022

Authors: A. Akbari, Francesca Carrieri and A. Malkhozov

Publication: The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 35, Issue 1, January 2022, Pages 394–437


Classified as: Francesca Carrieri, Finance (T), Desautels 22
Published on: 23 Mar 2022

Authors: Nadège Levallet and Yolande E. Chan

Publication: European Journal of Information Systems, Forthcoming


Classified as: Yolande E. Chan, Information Systems
Published on: 17 Mar 2022

Authors: Maxime C. Cohen and Renyu Zhang

Publication: Production and Operations Management, Forthcoming


Classified as: Maxime Cohen, Operations Management (T), Bensadoun School of Retail Management, Desautels 22, Sustainability, Sustainability (R), Production & Operations Management
Published on: 17 Mar 2022

Authors: Yuanyuan Wu and Paola Perez-Aleman

Publication: Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Forthcoming (view online)


Classified as: Paola Perez-Aleman, Strategy and Organization (T)
Published on: 16 Mar 2022


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