Liquids NMR: Bruker AVIIIHD 800 MHz NMR Spectrometer (“QANUC 800”)
Contact for basic chemistry experiments (internal users): kirill.levin [at] (Kirill Levin) - Contact for biomolecular experiments and all use by external groups (QANUC): tara.sprules [at] (Tara Sprules) - Location: PP023
Please contact tara.sprules [at] (Tara Sprules) for all rate inquiries.
The QANUC 800 MHz instrument belongs to the Quebec/Eastern Canada high-field facility and is managed by tara.sprules [at] (Tara Sprules). The primary use of the instrument is for protein, ligand binding, and other biomolecular oriented work that requires a high magnetic field for sensitivity and resolution and triple resonance capabilities for studying compounds labeled with 13C and 15N. The spectrometer is equipped with a 24-place sample changer and a triple resonance cryoprobe, which has excellent sensitivity for 1H and 13C. 1H and 13C 1D spectra, as well as 2D homo- and heteronuclear experiments for dilute small molecule samples can be acquired in several hours, depending on the sample characteristics. Samples with high salt concentrations (> 150-200 mM) are only admissible in 3mm NMR tubes (or Bruker shaped tubes). If you require an NMR tube or deuterated solvent these can be provided.
The QANUC 800 is available to users of the chemistry NMR/EPR facility by contacting Tara or Kirill. The instrument provides excellent sensitivity and resolution for 1H and 13C 1D experiments and for 2D experiments involving 1H, 13C, or 15N. Users logged into the McGill VPN can view the QANUC 800 Schedule on the Booked Resource.
If you will require the 800 MHz NMR on a regular basis please contact Tara to discuss training and lab access. For occasional use please fill out the QANUC 800 sample submission form. Do not leave any samples in the sample dropoff area until you have been notified that your request can be accommodated.
Assistance with data processing and interpretation is available upon request.