Liquids/solids NMR: Varian VNMRS 500 MHz NMR Spectrometer

Contact: kirill.levin [at] (Kirill Levin) - Location: OM34

DocumentationTraining - Rates

Applications *** Note that until further notice only solids experiments can be run on this instrument ***

Contact kirill.levin [at] (Kirill Levin) for more information

Console and magnet

Varian VNMRS 500 (three-channel, VT, z gradient, installed 2009) with unshielded Oxford magnet (installed 1992).


  • SW (switchable): 1H (usual) or 19F (with training), and 13C (standard) or 15N (with training). Good for 13C detection
  • Inverse: 1H and either 31P (usual) or 13C (rare), with z gradient (good for 2D, but mediocre for 31P direct detection and poor for 13C direct detection)
  • Nanoprobe: for semi-solid samples that require rotation at the magic angle; 1H only; maximum spin rate ca. 2200 Hz
  • 3.2 mm Chemagnetics T3 (solids probe): up to 24 kHz MAS, 1H/13C-31P/15N-79Br
  • 6 mm Chemagnetics T3 (solids probe): up to 9 kHz MAS, 1H-19F/15N-31P

Booking rules

  • Up to 18 hours at a time, bookable up to 5 days in advance
  • 24 hours per person per week
  • If spectrometer is unused, then you may use up to 4 hours at a time (10 hours after 8 PM) even if you have already used your 24 hours per week


  • This spectrometer has a chiller and the easily accessible VT range is 0 °C – 110 °C. With liquid nitrogen, the setup can go down to –100 °C
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