Academic Standing in the Faculty of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

You must prove that you can master the material of lectures and laboratories. Examinations are normally held at the end of each course, but other methods of evaluation may also be used. The grade assigned for a course represents your Academic Standing in all the coursework.

The following rules apply to your Academic Standing:

  1. When your CGPA (or TGPA in the first term of the program) falls below 2.00, your Academic Standing becomes Probationary.
  2. If you are in Probationary Standing, you may register for no more than 14 credits per term.
  3. While in Probationary Standing, you must achieve a TGPA of 2.50 to continue in Probationary Standing or a CGPA of 2.00 in order to return to Satisfactory Standing. Failure to meet at least one of these conditions will result in Unsatisfactory Standing. In the case of Fall term, this will be Interim Unsatisfactory Standing and the rules for Probationary Standing will apply.
  4. When your CGPA (or TGPA in the first term of the program) falls below 1.50, your Academic Standing becomes Unsatisfactory and you must withdraw. In the case of Fall term, the Standing will be Interim Unsatisfactory Standing and the rules for Probationary Standing will apply.
  5. If you are in Unsatisfactory Standing, you may not continue in your program. You may apply for readmission only after your registration has been interrupted for at least one term (not including Summer term).
  6. Readmission will be in the Standing Unsatisfactory/Readmit and a CGPA of 2.00 must be achieved to return to Satisfactory Standing or a TGPA of 2.50 must be achieved for Probationary Standing. If you fail to meet at least one of these conditions, you will be required to withdraw permanently.
  7. Students in the School of Human Nutrition have additional standards in place for the professional program (Dietetics). See Bachelor of Science (Nutritional Sciences) (B.Sc.(Nutr.Sc.)) - Major Dietetics (115 credits).

Committee on Academic Standing

The Faculty's Committee on Academic Standing, consisting of academic staff, administrative staff, and a student representative, reviews special requests made by students regarding their academic life. Please inquire at the Student Affairs Office, Laird Hall 106, to obtain an application.

Taken from Programs, Courses and University Regulations 2024-2025 (last updated Mar. 15, 2024).

Committee on Academic Standing

The Committee on Academic Standing (CAS) deals with academic situations that are not routine. Faculty and University regulations do not cover all possible situations, so the Committee reviews requests that fall outside the rules. The Committee is made up of representatives from the academic staff, administrative personnel and students. The Chair prepares the case for presentation to the Committee members. The Committee approaches each case in a positive way, and attempts to find sufficient justification for the request in the evidence provided. The Committee is able to take into account a wide variety of information such as data on transcripts, supporting documentation from advisors or instructors, etc.

To obtain an application form for the CAS committee, please saoadvisor.macdonald [at] (email the Faculty Advisor).

Requests must include:

  • Completed CAS application form signed by the student and academic advisor
  • Letter of explanation from the student justifying the request in detail
  • Appropriate supporting documents, as outlined in the CAS application
  • Supporting documentation from advisors or instructors should be sent directly to the Chair of the Committee by email

The letter of explanation from the student MUST include:

  • The student’s name and McGill ID
  • A clear statement of the request (e.g. substitute course X with course Y)
  • A clear explanation of the reason for this request (e.g. conflicts, etc.)
  • A clear justification of the request (e.g. similarity between courses, etc.)

The Committee's decision will consist of one of four possibilities:

  • The request is approved
  • The student is asked to supply more information because the Committee finds that the request is not adequately justified (to expedite the procedure this may also be done during case preparation by the Chair)
  • The request is denied
  • Some other decision as needed to deal with the situation

After the case has been reviewed at a Committee meeting, the Chair informs the student of the Committee's decision by email within several days. Normally, the Committee meets every two weeks and the decisions are reported at a regular monthly Faculty meeting.

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