Directions to Macdonald Campus

Map of the Island of Montreal

The Macdonald Campus is located in the town Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, just west (32 kilometers / 20 miles) of downtown Montreal and the McGill Downtown Campus and is easily accessible by car, commuter train or city bus.

Macdonald Campus
McGill University

21111 Lakeshore (Google Map)
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC H9X 3V9

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By Car
Located at the western end of the Island of Montreal, the campus is accessible via Highway 20 (Exit 39) or 40 (Exit 41)

By Public Transit
The campus is served by bus routes from Lionel Groulx metro station, near the city centre.
Students can commute to or from downtown via train (Hudson/Vaudreuil line) to the Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue station, a short walk to the Macdonald Campus.

By Shuttle Bus
Inter-campus service between the two McGill campuses is available for registered students. View the schedule

Indications routières

Situé à l'extremité ouest de l'ile de Montreal, le campus est accessible par l'autoroute 20 (sortie 39) ou 40 (sortie 41)

Transport commun
Le campus est desservi par des lignes d'autobus qui partent du metro Lionel Groulx, proche du centre-ville.
Les étudiants peuvent se rendre au centre-ville ou en revenir par le train (ligne Hudson/Vaudreuil) jusqu'à la station Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, à quelques pas du campus Macdonald.

Une navette relie les deux campus de l'Université McGill ; ce service est offert aux étudiants dument inscrits Voir le cédule

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