Come and meet our TechAccel teams! Student startup teams funded and supported by The McGill Engine will be present to demo their projects and businesses!/engineCategory: School of Architecture...
3600 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 0G3, CA/involvementCategory: Career Planning Service (CaPS)
Plan Your Career—Applying & Interviewing
Student services
Join President Deep Saini, Interim Vice President (Global Engagement) Anja Geitmann, Acting Dean Valérie Orsat, and Associate Dean (Research) Salwa Karboune in the Centennial Centre Ballroom for...
Come celebrate the one-year anniversary of McGill’s first Biodiversity Plan on Tuesday, SepMcGill Downtown Campus - Lower Field, 845 Sherbrooke W., Montreal, CA/sustainabilityCategory: Macdonald...
The Office of Student Academic Services in collaboration with the Sonia Bujold Initiative and Let’s Talk Science at McGill University, has put together a lovely free online booklet of self-paced...