This page contains a non-exhaustive list of research projects that members of the Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism have worked on in previous years.
Recognizing and Protecting the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Efforts to Combat Climate Change (2018-2020)
- Researcher: Sébastien Jodoin
- Web page
Legal Mapping Database of Transnational Uses of International Labour Law (2017-2020)
- Researcher: Adelle Blackett
- Web page
The Cosmopolitan Justice of International Law
- Researcher: Evan Fox-Decent
IMPACTS: A Multi-Sector Partnership to Investigate and Develop Policy and Practice Models to Dismantle "Rape Culture" in Universities (2016-2023)
- Researchers: many co-investigators including Shaheen Shariff, Nandini Ramanujam, Colleen Sheppard, Marie Manikis.
- Web page
Strengthening Justice for International Crimes: A Canadian Partnership (2016-2019)
- Researchers: Frédéric Mégret, Payam Akhavan and others.
- Published paper: "The Move Towards a Victim Centric Concept of the Criminal Law and the ‘Criminalization’ of Inter-American Human Rights Law: A Case of Human Rights Law Devouring Itself?" (2017)
- Book Chapter: “International Criminal Justice in the Context of Failed and Fragile States: Revisiting the ICC Self-Referral Debate” in The International Court and Complementarity: From Theory to Practice (Cambridge, 2018)
- Published paper: "The Strange Case of the Victim Who Did Not Want Justice” (2018)
- Published paper: “Defiance, Defence Repentance and what Lies In Between; What Determines Defendants’ Shifting Postures Before International Criminal Tribunals?” (2018).
Children and Families Affected by War: A Tri-Pillared Approach (2019-2020)
- Researcher: Miriam Denov
Mental Health Information Privacy & Equality in the Workplace Project (2015-2018)
- Researchers: Derek J Jones, Colleen Sheppard, Eliza Bateman, Joanna Richardson
Special Issue of the Oñati Socio-legal Series: Indignation, Socio- Economic Inequality and the Role of Law (2015)
- Researchers: Jane Matthews Glenn (CHRLP) Anneke Smit (Windsor) Véronique Fortin (Berkeley)
- Co-researcher: Colleen Sheppard (Director, CHRLP)
- Published special issue: "Indignation, Socio-economic Inequality and the Role of Law"
Economic Justice Working Group
- Researchers: Colleen Sheppard, Nandini Ramanujam, Francois Crépeau, Adelle Blackett, Jane M. Glenn, Alana Klein and Catherine Lu
Born of War: The Perspectives, Rights and Needs of Children Born of Wartime Sexual Violence (2015-2020)
- Researchers: Myriam Denov, René Provost, Sara Kahn
- Published book: "Children Affected by Armed Conflict: Theory, Method, and Practice" (2017)
- Published paper: "The Intergenerational Legacy of Genocidal Rape: The Realities & Perspectives of Children Born of the Rwandan Genocide" (2017)
- Published paper: "When War is Better Than Peace: The Post-Conflict Realities of Children Born of Wartime Rape in Northern Uganda" (2017)
- Published paper: The Nexus of War, Resettlement and Education: War-affected Youth’s Perspectives and Responses to the Quebec Education System (2017)
The International Organization for Migration: Understanding a rising humanitarian actor (2015-2020)
- Researcher: Meghan Bradley
- Published paper: "The International Organization for Migration (IOM): Gaining Power in the Forced Migration Regime"
Seeking Justice after Natural Disasters (2015-2017)
- Researcher: Meghan Bradley
- Published paper: “More than Misfortune: Recognizing Natural Disasters as a Concern for Transitional Justice"
From beneficiaries to actors: Understanding displaced persons' roles in resolution processes (2015-2016)
- Researcher: Megan Bradley
- Published paper: "Researching the Resolution of Post-Disaster Displacement: Reflections from Haiti and the Philippines"
Law and the Regulation of the Senses: Exploring in Sensori-Legal Studies (2015-2019)
- Researchers: David Howes and others
- Published book chapter: “The Engagement of the Senses” in Nicholas Saunders and Paul Cornish, eds. Modern Conflict and the Senses.
- Published book chapter: “Law’s Sensorium: On the Media of Law and the Evidence of the Senses in Historical and Cross-Cultural Perspective” in Sheryl Hamilton et al (eds.) Sensing Law.
Insurgent Justice (2015-2018)
- Researcher: René Provost
Centaur Jurisprudence Research Project
- Researchers: René Provost (CHRLP), Kirsten Anker (CHRLP), David Howes (Concordia), Eric Reiter (Concordia)
- Project Description
- Published book: Culture in the Domains of Law (2016)
Define the Line: Clarifying the Blurred Lines Between Cyberbullying and Digital Citizenship
- Researchers: Shaheen Shariff (Department of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill), Shauna Van Praagh (CHRLP)
Securitization of migration asylum in Canada: A Comparative analysis of policy consequences and human rights impact (2014-2018)
- Researcher: François Crépeau
Religious Revival in a Post-Multicultural Age.
- Research Initiative co-researched with Tel Aviv University
- Researchers: René Provost, Shauna Van Praagh, Angela Campbell, and Victor Muñiz-Fraticelli
- Published paper: Caylee Hong and René Provost, “Let Us Compare Mythologies” (January 17, 2013).
Legacies of Injustice and Residential Schools: Responsibilities and Relationships through the Lens of Law
- Researchers: Colleen Sheppard, Kirsten Anker, and Mark Antaki with the collaboration of Evan Fox-Decent
- The Centre prepared three working papers for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.
Rule of Law and Economic Development (2012-Present)
- Published report: “Rule of Law and Economic Development: A Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Sustainable Economic Development Across BRIC” (2012)
- Published paper: “From Justiciability to Justice: Realizing the Human Right to Food” (September 18, 2015)
- See the project page for details
Mental Health and Human Rights (2012)
- Researchers: François Crépeau and Anne-Claire Gayet
- Published book chapter: “Human rights standards relevant to mental health and how they may be made more effective” in Mental Health and Human Rights. Vision, praxis, and courage, Michael Dudley, Derrick Silove, and Fran Gale, ed (Oxford University Press: 2012)
Labor Law and Development: Perspectives on Labor Regulation in Africa and the African Diaspora (2011)
- Researcher: Adelle Blackett
- Special journal issue published in (2011) 32: 2 Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal with Adelle Blackett (guest editor), Dzodzi Tsikata, Rose-Marie Belle Antoine, Diamond Ashiagbor and Chantal Thomas
The Idea of Labour Law and its Relationship to the Market (2011)
- Published book chapter: Adelle Blackett, “Emancipation in the Idea of Labour Law”, in The Idea of Labour Law, edited by Davidov and Langille, Oxford UP 2011.
Informal formality: tenantries, ejidos and family land
- Published paper: Jane Matthews Glenn, “Informal formality: tenantries, ejidos and family land” (2008) 4 International Journal of Law in Context 135
Regulating Decent Work for Domestic Workers / Réguler le travail décent pour les travailleuses domestiques (2011)
- Special Journal issue edited by Adelle Blackett and published in (2011) 23: 1 Canadian Journal of Women and the Law/Revue Femmes et Droit, University of Toronto Press.
The Refugee Law Reader
- Researcher: François Crépeau
- See the project page for more details