New Welcome Centre
A Welcome Centre scheduled to open in 2025 will provide an accessible, learner-centric, and inclusive entry portal to the School of Continuing Studies and a gathering space for our learners and community partners. Located at street level in the rear of 680 Sherbrooke St, West, this will be a central hub for learners, faculty, staff, and community members to collaborate and network. It will visually represent our mission and vision for inclusive and transformative professional and personal development for all ages of adult and lifelong learners. Learn more about the Welcome Centre.
The School’s Experiential Empowerment and Development (SEED) Initiative
The SEED Initiative offers newcomers to Quebec and Canada as well as underserved, underrepresented communities a pathway to income stability and career advancement. This community-based collaboration provides already well-educated adult learners with a career-building professional development certificate, language upskilling, and work-integrated learning opportunities. Learn more about the SEED Initiative.
The Language Acquisition for Refugees and Forcibly Displaced Persons Initiative
This initiative offers free English and French language courses to refugees and individuals forcibly displaced by war, systemic violence, or natural disasters. The language skills, acculturation strategies, and professional networks acquired through this initiative, facilitate participants’ integration in local communities and increase their chances of finding a promising job.
Indigenous Relations Initiative
The School's Indigenous Relations Initiative (IRI) serves as a key educational and workforce development hub for First Nation, Inuit, and Métis learners, providing them with a 360° academic and social support system. Serving one McGill University’s largest cohort of Indigenous learners (nearly 400 to date), IRI facilitates education in the community, including STEM Foundations and skilling in entrepreneurship, health and social services, as well as public administration. IRI also provides online access, indigenized curricula, and training solutions for employers seeking to diversify their workforce. Learn more about the Indigenous Relations Initiative.
Scholarships and Bursaries
Scholarships and Bursaries allow learners to pursue essential up-/re-skilling opportunities even with limited financial resources. Part-time adult learners often face greater income, food, and shelter insecurities than traditional students. Whether in “survival” jobs or employed in the less stable gig economy, SCS learners make great sacrifices to be able to continue their education. Scholarships and bursaries are key to retention and completion rates.
Low-Bandwidth and Mobile Learning Solutions
Low-bandwidth and mobile learning solutions deliver content and learning services to communities without easy access to McGill’s campus and/or high-speed internet. Communities that benefit from these solutions include parts of Sub-Saharan Africa or, closer to home, areas with underdeveloped infrastructure services in rural or Indigenous communities.
Sustainable Supply Network and Mobility Initiative
The Sustainable Supply Network and Mobility Initiative (S2MI) builds on the School’s track record in undergraduate and graduate-level education in supply chain, logistics, and aviation management. It seeks to incorporate a focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) applied research and workplace implementation to advance sustainable solutions in critical sectors of the economy. Online graduate programs and workplace-based training support supply and transportation networks in/with Indigenous and other diverse communities. In-residence industry professionals and scholars mentor and advise the next generation of leaders in these fields and help advance a more integrated approach to human mobility. Learn more about S2MI.
Corporate Professional Learning Centre
A Corporate Professional Learning (CPL) Centre provides state-of-the-art learning facilities to professionals seeking to up-/re-/co-skill with subject matter expertise curated by McGill SCS. The CPL will offer the latest in learning technology-equipped classrooms for flexible learning in hybrid, in-person, or online modalities. Designed for cohorts of up to 30 learners, the spaces would be accompanied by a private space for busy professionals to conduct individual calls or meetings, and a space intended for sustainable food services.
Work-Integrated Learning and Experiential Education
A fund for Work Integrated Learning (WIL) and Experiential Education allows SCS learners to extend their skill building and application beyond the classroom. WIL has been proven to be one of the best pathways to successful career advancement. At the same time, employers offering WIL opportunities benefit from the innovation that learners bring into the workplace, and have a chance to feed their practical expertise back into the classroom. Experiential education can take many forms in and out of the classroom to ensure a “shovel ready” workforce, including but not limited to (funded) work integrated placements (internships, co-ops, job shadowing, and sponsored projects), student consulting services to small and medium enterprises in select industries, experiential learning in the classroom such as simulations, active use of data sets, and guest speakers.
The McGill Community for Lifelong Learning
The McGill Community for Lifelong Learning (MCLL) is a pioneer in peer-to-peer learning for, by, and with senior learners, both in person and virtually. Technology-enhanced classrooms and digital learning tools, as well as co-generational mentoring, allow Third Age individuals to contribute to society, break down social isolation, and lead productive lives well into their centennial. Together with each other and younger generations, they apply their years of experience and expertise to addressing our globe’s challenges across generational boundaries. Learn more about MCLL.
Digital Transformation and Innovation
The Digital Transformation and Innovation Fund powers innovation in learning and teaching. At SCS, we develop and deliver flexible and accessible online and blended learning, digital content, strategies, and education tailored to the needs of adult learners. This fund supports hardware and software solutions, application of augmented/virtual reality and digital gaming technologies, as well as access to large data sets supporting analytics and applied machine learning. It also enables upgrades to classrooms and student spaces, provides STEM lab equipment in remote locations, as well as assists in development and/or modification of course content in formats suitable for low-bandwidth settings.
M.Sc. (Applied) in Multilingual Digital Communication
This innovative first-of-a-kind online program addresses workforce development needs for versatile professionals who can connect the language/translation, communication, and tech/AI industries, Incorporating online experiential learning opportunities and applied research opportunities, this program seeks funding for learner scholarships and bursaries, stipends and placements for practica and internships, as well as the integration of online work integrated learning platforms such as RIIPEN. The program ideally will include a scholar-in-residence or practitioner-in-residence, as well as access to virtual translation technologies for learners to practice and acquire hands-on expertise. Learn more about the M.Sc.(A).
SCS Institute of Responsible AI
As part of McGill University’s responsible AI initiatives, SCS proposes several related activities, including the SCS Institute of Responsible AI – a one-week event that would bring together diverse members of society and workforce with applied researchers to explore responsible and ethical AI practices. SCS already offers workshops that complement these public talks and panels to provide conceptual knowledge and actionable skills.