Living Green: Simple Strategies for Complex Times
General Public: $39.00
Come with a Friend discount: $29.00
Students, McGill Alumni and MCLL Members: $31.00
McGill Students and McGill Staff: $19
This session is co-presented by the Office of Sustainability at McGill University. Green, Sustainability, Carbon Footprint are words that have become part of our modern vocabulary. Yet, though they are important concepts for us to consider, few of us fully understand their significance. Is “sustainable” another word for “ecological”? Do we as individuals have the power to affect positive change? These are just a few of the questions that we will address in this workshop. We will present and discuss the key issues in “Sustainability”. What is it about and how we can participate in it? We will attempt to de-mystify information presented in the media, discuss some of the local issues and brainstorm some simple strategies for caring for the planet now and for future generations. Living Green is a lifestyle, a set of values and principles and perhaps the most viable solution to the environmental problems that we are facing today. We encourage workshop participants to bring any issues of concern, ideas for discussion and above all else, a belief that every action (big or small) can have a positive impact. Any shade of green is a step in the right direction.
See the full event description.